Tax return season, what ya buying?


Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
Tax returns are around the corner, anyone planning on picking up some gear?

Me: ESP Horizon NT-II for sure. :kickass: Gonna do EMGs w/ 18 volt mod. I miss having a shred guitar oh so bad and have wanted the NT-II for a couple years.

I should be getting a good amount back this year. Depending on how much it is, I might put the rest towards a Recto.

I paid $20,163 in taxes last year and the FUCKS have the never to ask me for more!!!

This country is starting to remind me of living in Sweden again...
I changed my mind; I'm getting two SCA N72 preamps instead (Neve 1073 clones). That way, I can expand whenever I want :heh:

Hey Greg,

If I were you I would get an API and a Neve style - both flavors, see which works best, unload one if it doesn't work out. :kickass:

Just a suggestion...
