Teach me!


Jul 7, 2009
I made an attempt at mixing the song from The Unrest from the public files for practice thread. I realize after mixing my bands EP that I need a lot of practice. Any comments or tips for improving this mix will be greatly appreciated!

I haven't edited the drums yet, and I left the vocals off since I haven't even touched them yet.

I realize after bouncing this to disc and listening on a different pair of cans that the hats and bass are too loud, what else do you all hear wrong?

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3413585/The Unrest.mp3
I think it's pretty good. My suggestions would be more crack on the snare, I think it sounds a bit boxy, and maybe raise the guitars just a bit.
Like you said, there's something funky going on with the hats, but from what I hear with these cheap headphones, the bass is just fine.
Thanks for the comment! I agree with you on the snare and guitars. I think I've got something panned wrong with the overheads or high hat track. I'll definitely check into that. I'm always afraid I'm going to have the guitars too loud, and have a Hendrix mix. I'm going to try and fix that tonight and repost.