Team Omega (The End Records )


Team Omega
Jul 11, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The End Records and The Omega Order was looking for some people to help out with their Street Team. If you're interested in helping promote some of their bands (Ulver, Jarboe, Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, Estradasphere, Virgin Black, Sigh, The Gathering + more) and getting free cd's, merch, tickets and other exclusive content, this is an excellent opportunity. Some of these will be limited edition items that are exclusive to our street team only.

If you're interested, you can sign up here, or pm me with your email address for an invite.

By the way, this doesn't necessarily involve any 'street' work. Most of this would be done online. You can also choose which bands to be involved with. If you don't like one of the bands, you don't necessarily need to help promote them. We welcome anyone, anywhere in the world.