Tech metal mix


Jun 7, 2008
Moscow, Russia
Hi everyone! First-time poster here!

This is my mix of some tech metal from Russia. I'd be grateful for any opinions on that mix.

Real drums, Yamaha Maple Custom
Guitars are reamped thru EH 2tone overdrive (no TS yet :( ) --> Engl Powerball --> Mesa 4x12 Cab. Guitar are double tracked.
Bass is reamped thru Mesa 400 --> Ampeg 8x10
Vocals are thru 57beta --> dbx 166xl
That's some CRAZY music :D

It's a pretty cool mix but I think there is still room to be filled in the mids... and that should probably be the guitars filling it out. I don't know, I can imagine the guitars having a little more mids without fucking up the mix because I just sense there is still room there. The rest is pretty cool for that music genre... I may have some opinions about this and that but it would mostly be personal preferences really. Just listened really quickly with crappy speakers though but I know them quite well and yeah... guitars, a little more mids! :D