Technique Questions


German Asshole
Feb 24, 2007
Kelowna,B.C. Canada
K guys I have a question

SHREADHEAD READ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

alot of you seem to be treasure chests of info, shreadhead especially.


can you explain to me WHAT THE FUCK HE IS DOING HERE?!@?#


its unreal. Its like some economy-sweep hybrid thingee.
It really is just economy picking. Without being pedantic about the definition, pure 'sweep' is impossible. Even in his books, he doesn't do 100% sweep, as most of the 'connective' lines/notes require alternate picking to do properly. The awesome thing about Frank Gambale is that you can't tell when he's transitioning in and out of a sweep or alternate line. Its just like good legato players, where you aren't aware that they are using groupings of 3 or 4 per string, its just a flowing stream. Frank totally blows me away everytime I see him play. Awesomeness.
I dunno. Hes clearly moving in between strings the whole time, just very relaxed and with such small movements thats its hard to tell. Quite astounding actually.Amazing Technique he has
First off, you have to understand one thing: Frank Gambale is god. OK. Second thing: Frank Gambale is god. How many of his covers do you see on YouTube? Not Many. You usually see people stumble through his lines.

Frank has mastered the art of picking. His "Speed Picking" book is extremely frustrating. I worked through a fair bit of the book at one point & it's impossible to blaze like him when playing these angular lines. His picking style is all economy, but about 150 times more unconventional than Yngwie. The guy is extremely insane, & at one time I ranked him as the most technically challenging fusion player out there, next to only possibly Shawn Lane; however Lane was just able to alternate pick angular lines at 19 notes a second. Frank, IMO, reinvented the way the guitar was played. He was economy picking long before Yngwie, Yngwie just popularized scalar economy/sweeping shredding in the neo-classical metal context. Frank is a gem of a guitarist, & so fucking underrated it makes me sick... Well, he might not be underrated, but he is not very well known past guitar player circles.

The guy has refined technique. He's a great songwriter & has some great melodies. Not everything he plays is this difficult, however when he puts some gutso in it the guys makes my jaw drop. The guy has heart in what he does & it reflects in his work. He's definitely in my top 10 guitarists, possibly top 5.

That being said, YouTube really doesn't do him justice IMO. He has some decent videos up, but nothing is like hearing him on the albums. My favorite album of his is "Passages". It's more of an instrumental rock oriented album with bits of fusion & blues thrown in. "Thunder From Down Under" is more fusion based & has some vocal tracks. His "Live!" album is nearly as good as "Passages", & I normally am not a big fan of live albums. I have a -Frank Gambale, Stu Hamm, & Steve Smith- album that is much more jammy & has some improv feel to it. The album was put together in something like 2 weeks. It's decent, but not mind blowing like his solo stuff. Stylistically it's not the kind of stuff he's known for. I also know he went into a bit an acoustic phase, but I've not heard much of it yet. I'm pretty much t3h 3pic n000bbZ when it comes to his work with Chick Corea though :(

Here's a couple of videos I like by him. TBH I've not seen too many of his videos, so if anyone comes up with more cool stuff make sure to post! The one Panzer posted was from a Carvin DVD & that was actually how I found out him when I ordered the DVD 4-5 years ago.

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thanks shredhead, that was helpful. Yeah so I also went ahead and bought his Acoustic Guitar Improv DVD from Alfred Publishing. Quite something. He talks about improv, plays a set with his band ( trio) and shreds... fast , smooth and just plain incredible on all fronts.

also, I got Allan Holdworth from Alfred Publishing. Both highly recommendable.
also when you said you were unfamiliar with his work with Chick Corea, I was gonna say that you should definitely acquaint yourself better with it.

also, it inspired me to record Spain by Chick Corea quickly. Not good at all but hey whatever

and yes, I am aware there was a nice little fuck up in there... but w.e,just try to ignore that haha
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Schweet dude! I think that's about the only thing I knew belonged to Chick Corea. I was just watching a Guthrie Govan cover of that song earlier this afternoon. Guthrie is god. I would cup his bawlz if I could be granted with his insane talent. The man is the reincarnation of Jesus. He also plays awesome guitars & has given me nasty Suhr GAS lately. If you don't have his album "Erotic Cakes" I highly recommend it.

I stumbled across these videos earlier. I haven't seen them yet & I posted them at another forum. He is the epitome of diversity & feel. He truly lays waste to Job For A Cowboy in every aspect.



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ohh yes he did indeed. In 1986 or something like that Chick Corea formed his Elektric band, which Gambale was a part of. I think he was also Chick's guitarist for teh longest time except Di Meola. Theres a lot of cool Gambale-chick videos on youtube. there Spain one is aswesome. The sax player on there owns.

ps,which chick corea and RTF forever albums you have/heard?

pps, I saw RTF live in June:cool:
What do you recommend by Chick Corea & Return to Forever??? As with Mahavishnu, I'm kind of out of the loop on all these bands, but I listen to a ton of the fusion shredders solo work.
by Chick Corea, Id say Light as Feather featuring RTF( thats the album with the first version of Spain) Elektric Band, Akoustic Band. Those are classics really. Pick them up first. Theres also a few good compilations of CHick too, very worthwhile. and by RTF, a good place to start is there recently released 2 disc best of. Thats a great starting record by them.

sadly, I am also not aquainted enough with Mahavishnu, nor with Mclaughlin, it I do have is one instructional video on Konokol, and its fucking cool.

one mroe thing: For fusion, get BitchesBrew by Miles Davis.Kickass.
Panzer: I think Bill Conners was Chick's guitarist before Al, but I could be wrong. I don't know much about Conners. I haven't heard much the the Elektric band, so I'll definately go looking for some of their albums. In regards to Return to Forever, I've heard Romanic Warrior, Light as a Feather and Hymn of the Seventh Galaxy. And you're a lucky bastard for seeing them!

Shredhead: For Return to Forever, I reccommend "Light as a Feather" which is jazz-based, no guitars on that. It's amazing, though. My personal favorite has got to Be "Romantic Warrior" all in all, it's fusion/rock oriented and has lots of great solos and shredding from all instruments. Totally killer!