Tee shirt printing


Aug 12, 2002
New York
If i were to put a picture onto a tee shirt, what color mode would these pictures have to be in? CMYK or RGB?
Originally posted by Sam Araya
CYMK is the way to go.

RGB its for monitors and devices which emit light/energy.

Wrong. RGB is the way to go for t-shirts, from any place that is professional. They use a program, or a filter in Photoshop called ColorCrunch. This color seperates an RGB image, into individual spot colors to closely simulate CMYK printing on a t-shirt.

Check with the printer FIRST. For my money, CMYK shirt printing is horrible looking. I would ALWAYS request the image to be ColorCrunched.
I stand corrected then. I assumed that T-shirt printing was the same as the usual CYMK offset stuff.

Thanks for the info Novembers Paul, and i hope no one got into trouble for my misdirection, apologies in advance!
Originally posted by Sam Araya
I stand corrected then. I assumed that T-shirt printing was the same as the usual CYMK offset stuff.

Thanks for the info Novembers Paul, and i hope no one got into trouble for my misdirection, apologies in advance!

You weren't entirely wrong. I have seen people use a standard CMYK seperation for shirt screening, and iv'e never been to impressed. There's different ways to do this, so it just depends on the printer, but normally, you are very correct.