Professionals, i need help!


Pleasure to Kill

ok, i just got into making covers, but, all i know is how to design the art, i dont know anything about publishing and printing

ok, i have a few questions.

what size should i start my picture?
what is the bleed edge?
what are crop marks?
whats the best way to convert RBG to CMYK without much difference?

thanks guys, if you think i should know anything else, please tell, i dont want to screw some bands im working with out of the stuff they deserve

thanks guys!
BTW: Trav, you are my art idol :worship:
please guys!!!!! I cant find any sites where it expailns this. Yeah, im a freaking n00b, but whatever, can you just help a fellow artist out :(
Crop Marks are the size of the cover and USUALLY where the cover is cut out.

The bleed line is extra space where two things occur:
a) if the cut for the crop mark is off the cover is not totally wasted b/c you have extra picture to cover that up.
b) the ink will bleed a tiny bit in teh paper and carry over a little

As in size, that all depends on the art work and cover size. Printeable cover are at 300 dpi, but i always do it at 350- 400 dpi just in case i want to change some stuff.

if you are doing a starndard cover it is 4.5x 4.5 inches with a bled of .125 on each side. if youw ant all teh maeasurements for various covers go here:
Disc Makers

About converting from RBG to CMYK, you can do that if photoshop.
lol, im a dudette but hehe.......

Nord - How do you create such excellent images as well as travis smith , i really dont understand how, id love to be able to do that,lol

Another thing, when u were about 17 (my age,lol) what was ur artwork like if u did any, i mean does your work improve? cause when i look at peoples artwork on thsi forum and look at my own , there is a huge difference! Does it get betteR?