Teemu from Finntroll/Impaled Nazarene


Nov 1, 2001
this man died some days ago from an "alchohol-related falling accident"...you probably all know it by now anyway. Well, it sucks to lose another man im metal, just when you thought it was over...
Im personally more pissed off about this than Chuck Shuldiner, as I was always much more of a Finntroll & Impaled Nazarene fan than one of Death, especially after Charlie became a new-born christian...

In any case, In Memory of our fallen metal brother.

Hails to you Somnium! may your release from the agony of the world show you Rapture!


It looks right now, as though my Signiture picture has another meaning.
Long live Metal.
Well, we weren´t friends, but we had lot´s of fun. I know ... knew... him from last years festivals and he was a sarcastic, funny, charming guy and a fucking great guitarplayer. I wanted to take some drinks with him in summer too, not long ago we were phoning about working on same festivals this year and that we´ll meet on Summer Breeze... I guess I`ll miss him. And how fucking far from what is meant to be possible is the way he died?? mean... falling drunken from a bridge in Helsinki... Miten epätodennäköinen... it sounds like one of those unrealistic movies which serves every plate you´re able to have about finns. Paska... paska stupid suomalainen kitarristi... paska! It´s so senseless... Perkele