been a bit slow on this one dude.....
I'm using a dual core amd 2x2.2 (i think) 3 gig ram sx 3 and PT 7.something!
I usually get (away) into around 60-100 tracks, 20 tracks for dums and most guitars tracked with 2 57's and a di. I tend to only freeze for monitor mixes as it tends to make vocal sessions a bit "safer"....but then i unfreze everything for a mix (i dislike freezing during mix down unless i absolutly have to as i find it can slow down creativity)
i do cheat tho cos i got uad-1 and a tc pc (and i'm dying to get a liquid mix or nuendo... bring on pc drivers)
when i upgraded i recived not much more power untill i downloaded the special amd addons then BAM loads of new head room!
Best pc i'v run in the studio to date (hope that helps kev)