Tell me what you think about this quote.


Aug 30, 2001
"I have the faith that it is possible, sometime, somewhere, to have a conversation, perhaps no progress will be made until the ninth hour, but to have a conversation in which reality could be literally pulled to pieces, beyond the point of reconstructing." - Terence McKenna
Personally, I believe every word of it and would enjoy giving it a go sometime.
I would think I've done close to the same and in far less time. Someday, a group of you will sit and observe Glenn and I just talking for an hour or two. You'll either feel the strong urge to drink or have a renewed view of reality and its workings.
That's the entire idea! That's the kind of shit more people need to talk about more often!
Nowadays it's hard to find someone you can relate to, to actually engage in conversation with, let alone someone with the commitment to converse about the workings of reality.

I've yet to meet someone (in person anyway, a lot of you are awesome) with the intellectual muscle to continually challenge me and keep it lively.
They're out there. But you've got to find them--they're not gonna find you.

Actually I'm a very outgoing person, and a bartender. It's not to say I've never met someone intelligent, it's just finding someone who has the same interests in discussing the subject of reality or something else of depth.