Temp compatibility between Reaper& Beatcraft ?


Oct 19, 2008
Hi, Pls don t laugh :)

I just started to learn Reaper and basics abaut recording and editing and I have this pretty weird problem.

I use Beatcraft, a Drum Machine software to create a simple 4/4 easy rhytm pattern. 172 tempo in this case. I render this one in .WAV format. I listen to it It sounds normal.

In Reaper project is set to start at 0. I go to Insert/Time Signature/TempoChangeMarker and set the BPM at 172 like the WAV I made in BEATCRAFT.

In Reaper I have grid lines visible.

And I drag and drop the wav into a track in Reaper. There is no match between the length of the 4/4 pattern from Beatctaft at 172 BPM and the grid lines and tempo 4/4 from Reaper at 172 BPM

First u can t see the bad matching, only if u maximaze the track u ll notice than that the last grid is not at the end of the track. I changed the Reaper grids to 171 and 173 BPM and the difference was huge. It is like the Beatcraft tempo is somewhere at 171,5 and not 172.

Pls tell me how this can be possible. I feel like i am doyng smth very wrong, but beats me if I can realise what is it.

Tx in advance for your help, this thing is buging me.
hm, i made now another 172 vaw with another drum machine and it fits perfectly with Reaper being just little longer than the one in Beatcraft enough to fit between grids.
How is it possible that a drum machine software to be so fukd up? I seen no one complaining so far abaut such problems