Need Assistance With Drums


New Metal Member
Mar 15, 2011
Hey guys, I have a small favor to ask any of you guys here.

I'm in the middle of a project, and I lost my computer - it just completely got fried, and on it I had my programs like Superior Drummer/EZ Drummer to load in overheads from my MIDI files that I tracked. I need to get the overheads the drum layers out of the midi into waves (the overheads most importantly.) but on my backup computer I only have a DAW and not the other programs.

It's just one song, and I wondered if anyone would mind doing that for me? - that's the MIDI.

Any help is GREATLY appreciated.

The info for the track is


Time Sig: 4/4 BPM: 185

Tempo Change 1: Measure

Time Sig: 3/4 BPM: 200

Tempo Change 2:

Yeah, wtf is your problem? If I said something wrong or didn't phrase it correctly sorry, but, how about some actual words people?
Part of me thinks it has something to do with the fact that you became a member only to have your first post in this community be about finding someone do some work for you (or, as some may see it "save your ass") for free.
Okay, I'm in the middle of mixing an album by a band who recorded the tracks elsewhere so I have all the raw files. The way they tracked the drums was through triggers/midi, no mic'd anything. I have the bounced wavs of the kick/snare, the toms etc. But They didn't give me any bounce of overheads. They said "it's in the midi" which, confused the hell out of me as to why they did it like this but,I figured fine. I had EZDrummer, Superior etc I was just going to load in the midi and export the OH files.

My laptop I use (i'm broke no tower PC as of now.) got fried - lost it. All my programs work, etc. I'm on a backup computer of a friends, who does NOT have any drum software to do this. Just a DAW to mix in, so i'm left with no overhead files for this track. If that makes sense lol.
Unless they recorded on an electro kit or programmed the cymbals afterward there is no way that they got "audio" into a Midi file.

If you are just looking for midi notes for the cymbals and the performance then thats what you would need to ask for. If midi of the cymbals, hats, ride.

Unfortunately I don't have EZ Drums or I would help.
The guy who recorded it said he had post programmed the cymbals/hi-hats afterwards based on performance. His words exactly, and he just gave me the MIDI file. real asshole, and i'm kind of at a loss here. Everything else is sounding awesome, and as of now I have a mix with just hits haha.