Apr 24, 2002
Chicago, Illinois
With much regret, Novembers Doom is no longer playing at this festival. A personal and medical opportunity has become available, and must be attended to. We apologize to anyone who was planning on seeing us this year at the fest, and we will do our best to make up the date.
that sucks.this was going to my first time to see you guys live.shit happens though.i hope everything is okay.i guess i will have to see you guys some other time.i live here in central ill.so i hope you guys have a gig in chicago sometime.best of luck in everything y :yell: ou do.
Yes, very sorry that we won't be making it to the fest, we were looking forward to it. Thanks to everyone for being so understanding about it. We'll get down to Indy sometime and finally play, hopefully.

Here's hoping that the Metro show winds up actually happening, that would be quite fun.
Greg B. said:
Whatever happened to that midwest band Dead Youth?

Rick (guitar) and Joe (drums) are now the backbone of Usurper.
The Dead Youth started out as a joke kind of band, Kind of a pre-cursor to Anal Cunt... ripping on people they know in songs, real dumb stuff. The album WRITHING was straight forward death metal, good stuff.
Novembers Paul said:
Yeah, we're all OK. It's for me actually. I have a bit of a spinal problem, so this is just another attempt at helping the problem. :)

This thread talks about it a bit...


Awww when you said personal and medical, my first thought was Vito was getting a checkup before launching himself into his time machine. Good thing he's not going ...cos I'm going with him, dammit :Spin:

Well it's too bad this came at this time, but take care of yourself and best of luck.
BlackwaterNymph said:
Awww when you said personal and medical, my first thought was Vito was getting a checkup before launching himself into his time machine. Good thing he's not going ...cos I'm going with him, dammit :Spin:

Well it's too bad this came at this time, but take care of yourself and best of luck.

He's been working on that time machine for years now. He's like a mad man. As soon as the monkey doesnt turn inside out, i'm sure he'll try it on himself! :grin:
Vito better get moving already on that time machine, I already gave him a list of things to bring me from the past.....full set of Mego superhero dolls from 1976, a couple of vintage Gibsons, stuff like that. So you can go with him and all, just make sure you leave enough room in there for my haul!
Vito better get moving already on that time machine, I already gave him a list of things to bring me from the past.....full set of Mego superhero dolls from 1976, a couple of vintage Gibsons, stuff like that. So you can go with him and all, just make sure you leave enough room in there for my haul!
Or you pick up that Red JCM 800 before some clown painted it black!
Yeah tell me about it!! The other thing the guy did was that he modified the head so that it only had one speaker output, and the other output he changed to be a part of an FX loop. At the time I got the head, I was using some rack effects so it wasn't a bad idea, but now I would sure love to have that second speaker output back. I could get it changed but I can't really afford to spend the time and money on it at the moment. I have like three amp heads that all need work done on them!
I can't complain too much about that Marshall though because I bought it for around $275 as I recall. Bought that and a black Les Paul Studio for about $1000 as a package. You can't come close to that nowadays (the Les Paul was new, not used).
Arrrrgggg, me wants JCM 800. We needs it! Well, if you ever happen across a good deal on one let me or Vito know. But that guy just totally molested that amp. But, a grand for an LP studio and a Marshall, I'd drop that kind of money in a heartbeat.
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
Vito better get moving already on that time machine, I already gave him a list of things to bring me from the past.....full set of Mego superhero dolls from 1976, a couple of vintage Gibsons, stuff like that. So you can go with him and all, just make sure you leave enough room in there for my haul!
Sure thing. I just wanted to swing by April of 1746 to wipe out a bunch of the English, and the royal army. Gotta save the Scottish, but I'll take small bombs to keep room for your goodies....and mine now that I think of all the things I want. Like a Highlander. :grin: