I'd go back to 69 and bring back proof that we never landed on the moon. Then people wouldn't point and laugh at me everytime they saw me.
Thats not why they point and laugh at you. Your fly is always open.
BlackwaterNymph said:
Sure thing. I just wanted to swing by April of 1746 to wipe out a bunch of the English, and the royal army. Gotta save the Scottish, but I'll take small bombs to keep room for your goodies....and mine now that I think of all the things I want. Like a Highlander. :grin:
Just try to avoid killing any of my relatives, seeing as I am from British bloodlines (partially at least). You could wipe out my existence, and that would upset me some.
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
Just try to avoid killing any of my relatives, seeing as I am from British bloodlines (partially at least). You could wipe out my existence, and that would upset me some.
:cry: And me as well. As long as you're not related to the duke of cumberland, you're safe. I'm going after him in his cradle. :grin: mwahahahaha

And Paul ....what do you want with my Highlander? :erk: lol
Novembers Paul said:
well... The can be only one.


Novembers Paul said:
Oh boy. I think you must know my wife. LOL
Speaking of which, your wife was trying to corrupt my girlfriend at Vito's paty with pictures of Adrian Paul!! HAHAHA
Usurper Dan said:
If you people keep posting pictures of me, Im going to sue you. Damn, Im hot!
Ya look great in the kilt, you do. Hope you don't mind being a screensaver. :tickled:

You know, when I break it down- I realize that I like men in skirts, then I wonder about myself.
I have Writihng. It's erotically charged killer death metal. Is Usurper as hottt?
BbqBats said:
Speaking of which, your wife was trying to corrupt my girlfriend at Vito's paty with pictures of Adrian Paul!! HAHAHA
HAHA! No, I don't know her but I think I'd like to!

Though we are probably card carrying members of some Highlander/Adrian Paul fan club. Or co-presidents. :hypno: