Ten Favorite Songs - can you do it?

I dunno how many of you guys on that side of that Atlantic know this, but over here, we've got this TV show called 'I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here', where they take a bunch of shitty Z-list wannabe celebs and dump them on an island somewhere, and make them do crazy stuff like eat bugs to earn meals for the camp. Well, one year, this shitty washed-up Australian pop singer was in it called Peter Andre, and he went slightly loopy and claimed his condition was due to a case of 'Insania'. The camp, the presenters, and eventually the press really caught on to this word like he'd invented some stunning new catchphrase.

20 points to whoever names the Helloween track on 'Keeper Of The Seven Keys Pt. II' that came up with Insania nearly 25 years before that washboard-abbed waste of flesh.
Had this in my drawer for when the occasion come:

1. Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb
2. Elend - Silent Slumber - A God that Breeds Pestilence
3. In The Woods... - Weeping Willow
4. Void of Silence - Human Antithesis
5. Melvins - Hooch
6. Godspeed You! Black Emperor - BBf3
7. In The Woods... - 299 796 km/s
8. Weakling - This ENtire Fucking Battlefield
9. Isis - Carry
10. Sigur Rós - #8
11. Isis - In Fiction
12. The Evpatoria Report - Taijin Kyofusho
13. Pink Floyd - Keep Talking
14. Isis - So Did We
15. Deathspell Omega - Carnal Malefactor
16. The Gathering - Nighttime Birds
17. Emperor - The Acclamation of Bonds
18. Sigur Rós - #5
19. Pink Floyd - Atom Heart Mother
20. Canaan - Frequency Omega
After seeing most of you guys creaming over Bathory and Burzum for so long, I've just downloaded Det Som En Gang Var and One Rode To Asa Bay. Listening to the Burzum track at the moment - this pretty much fucking rules, which album is this on and where should I go from there?

Edit : The mid-point of Det Som En Gang Var just gave me chills, why did I resist listening to Burzum for so long?
I only like 5 or so Bathory albums, and actually have only heard a single Burzum album - Filosofem. Hated it so much I sold it to Nate.

In other words, I'm useless for this particular topic/question.
dill_the_devil said:
After seeing most of you guys creaming over Bathory and Burzum for so long, I've just downloaded Det Som En Gang Var and One Rode To Asa Bay. Listening to the Burzum track at the moment - this pretty much fucking rules, which album is this on and where should I go from there?

Edit : The mid-point of Det Som En Gang Var just gave me chills, why did I resist listening to Burzum for so long?
Well half the world doesn't call it the best song ever for nothing you know

Get "Hvis Lyset Tar Oss" then "Filosofem"
I did try listening to Burzum a few times, but the tracks I ended up downloading where always the guitar-free Casio keyboard ambient ones, so I ended up going right back to grind or something... :)

Plus, IRL, I know pretty much nobody who actually appreciates extreme music - all my mates are into either modern metalcore, hardcore (as in, dance/hardhouse/whatever), goth stuff or whatever gets played on Kerrang radio... *shudders*
If you want to download some more representative Burzum tracks to get a feel for the different metal albums:

Burzum/Aske - "A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit"
Det Som Engang Var - "En Ring Til Aa Herske"
Filosofem - "Dunkelheit"
markgugs said:

This is true, and I refuse to pay $18 for it too. So I most likely never will. ;)
Yeah OK but you will keep blindly buying hauls of 15 mediocre pagan metal albums that, and I am being completely serious here, cumulativelty won't have one TENTH of the quality contained in that ONE Burzum song?

Look I might sound harsh but at some point I imagine even you will prefer quality over quantity

Besides, it's $14 at The End