Ten Favorite Songs - can you do it?

I realize that YOU love the song, and the band, but after my Filosofem experience, they're taking a prioritized back seat.

And just b/c YOU consider the pagan/heathen/viking stuff I buy to be mediocre, who's to say it's not BETTER than Burzum to me? I mean, I don't know if it is or isn't yet, but considering the styles I go for, I'll take that chance every single time.

Just sayin'

With all that said, $14 at the End isn't bad at all, and I'll most likely order the first 2 Burzum records post-holidays. They've been on my "want" list for a long time now.
markgugs said:
And just b/c YOU consider the pagan/heathen/viking stuff I buy to be mediocre, who's to say it's not BETTER than Burzum to me? I mean, I don't know if it is or isn't yet, but considering the styles I go for, I'll take that chance every single time.
Well, every time I bring up anything about OBJECTIVE QUALITY within music it always causes one hell of a fucking shitstorm so I'll just say this: until you have heard the album, you simply don't know what you're on about. Pull out your 50 favourite black/pagan metal albums and they still won't be able to hold a candle to Hvis. It's absolutely monumental, THE finest work of art I have EVER had the pleasure (?) to experience.
See, I knew this thread would be worthy of something: Dill has discovered the greatness of Burzum!
Arcane Sun - We Stood With Time (not metal per se, but fuck it)

that Burzum is pretty good, but is way too repetitive. any fan of that song can never ever bitch about another repetitive song and be taken seriously. Ever. i can appreciate its classicness and all that hullabaloo, but fuck, give me Bathory or give me death.
Yeah OK, just go back to listening to fucking Hellveto and Belenos and then you fucking idiot

P.S. that Arcane Sun album is about 6/10 at best
LOL @ Dick - it may still take me some time to enjoy the guitar-free records, but I think I'm pretty much SOLD! on Burzum's metal albums.

J. - don't suppose you'd care to recommend me some more Bathory tracks for the purpose of balance? One Rode To Asa Bay hasn't quite grabbed me just yet, although I will be giving it many more listens.
dill_the_devil said:
LOL @ Dick - it may still take me some time to enjoy the guitar-free records, but I think I'm pretty much SOLD! on Burzum's metal albums.

J. - don't suppose you'd care to recommend me some more Bathory tracks for the purpose of balance? One Rode To Asa Bay hasn't quite grabbed me just yet, although I will be giving it many more listens.
A Fine Day to Die
Through Blood by Thunder
Shores in Flames
Blood Fire Death
dill_the_devil said:
J. - don't suppose you'd care to recommend me some more Bathory tracks for the purpose of balance? One Rode To Asa Bay hasn't quite grabbed me just yet, although I will be giving it many more listens.

Let me step in here:

"Blood Fire Death"
"A Fine Day to Die"
"The Woodwoman"
"Shores in Flames"