Tenebre - Heart's Blood


Jun 20, 2004
Tenebre – Heart’s Blood
Regain Records – RR 082 – 07.11.05
By Anna Novitzky


Goth these days isn’t what it used to be. The kids just don’t have the right sombre, navel-gazing attitude. I should know, I’m one of the symptoms – one of those pansy fake goths who likes metal and smiles sometimes, and has never even been near the Batcave. Pff, wannabe. Tenebre, on the other hand, are the real, poet-shirted, clove-cigarette-smoking deal, or they very much wish they were.

Heart’s Blood is one long melancholy lament. With heavy bass, dirge-like guitars, deep vocals and those strangely up-beat electronica-style keyboards you get in lots of goth rock, they work hard to convey the futility and pain of existence, especially that bit of it where no one gets you. One gloomy track segues seamlessly into the next in a listless fug of despondency; it’s like Type O Negative without the distinctive bass-baritone or the sense of humour, or Sisters of Mercy without… whatever it was that made them good. The occasional song, such as title-track “Heart’s Blood”, has a more intense, raw edge, but for the most part Tenebre come off as competent but unoriginal peddlers of goth in its most monotonous form.

Heart’s Blood has its moments, but they are mostly subsumed into the general morass of misery. I’ve got nothing against depressing music – heaven knows I’ve spent enough time in clubs listening to it – but it has to have a certain spark of originality that Tenebre don’t seem to have found. Or maybe it’s just that I don’t understand the darkness in their souls.


Tenebre's Official Website
Regain Records’ Official Website
That sucks, as I really wanted to hear this album. I have "Electric Hellfire Kiss" from them and it's rockin' as feck. Listen to "Nocturnal Rhapsody" from that album, it smokes. I'd be disappointed if this album is as slow and depressing as you say. Thanks for ruining my hopes!:tickled: