Tension Watch


Hit'er in the shitter
Dec 12, 2005
I'm really tired of recording drummers who don't know how to tune their kits, and I have tried tuning it myself but I often make the kit sound even worse.

Soooo.. Is a Tension watch a good thing to buy? Does it really work or does it just make the kit sound "better than bad"?
Your experiences..?
Yeah man they are cool, you have a visible guide to adjust the tension evenly on the head. Having one improved the consistency of my drummers kit sound.
Plus you can use it to shank dumbass drummers when you encounter them......Which MAY happen frequently.


Yea I just borrowed one and used it on my drummers old skins and it made a huge improvement. I'm buying one next week now just for recording drummers. I also read some were from a engineer rant that he had only met like 3 drummers in 20 years of recording that could actually tune a drum set by ear. He also mentioned that almost every drummer he met would tell you they can tune there drums though. I honestly find that a pretty freaking true statement as far as I'm concerned.

Funny after i read that the next day i asked our drummer if he knew how to tune his kit and guess what his answer was....."oh yea its easy" then i say "can you teach me please" and he goes "well you just turn things till it sounds good" Thats where i started laughing and told him there is a little more to it. I taught him how i was shown to make every lug have the same pitch method but honestly by ear its very hard. But still his drums sounded 10x better just doing that and getting close to something more then a bunch of uneven lugs.

Well needless to say he finally realized that he don't know what the fuck he was doing but now after seeing the tension watch and hearing the results he was like fuck yea this takes all the guess work out. He's buying one also!:headbang:
I also read some were from a engineer rant that he had only met like 3 drummers in 20 years of recording that could actually tune a drum set by ear. He also mentioned that almost every drummer he met would tell you they can tune there drums though. I honestly find that a pretty freaking true statement as far as I'm concerned.

I believe Oz said this in his drum guide.
Since I picked one up some time ago, I find it to be indispensable. I am a drummer, and I now use it all the time. It really helps live as well. You can take the time to get your kit sounding just right, write down the setting, and recall them withing seconds. For the studio, it's as important as any mic or preamp imo.
Has anyone used both the Tension Watch and the DrumDial?
I've been wondering if there's a big difference or if one has an advantage over the other.

I've had both and the DrumDial seems much more sensitive to tuning adjustments.