TERMINATOR 3 is fucking terrible !!!


Iron In The Soul
Apr 1, 2002
Yesterday I saw "Terminator 3" and I wished I have never seen it. The movie is just cars chasing, destruction, bad computer effects and a really bad story. The "atmosphere" that made the "terminator" known(dark spaces and filmed almost at night) doesn't exist in this new one and the music score is almost non-existent coz doesn't help to create the feelling of fear, chaos, suspense.
The story is just a pretext to make this horrible sequel and (it seems) the next one(I can't even imagine Arnie as a terminator again, coz in this sequel, he doesn't convinces as a terminator(too much emotional for a killer machine).
My conclusion is, this sequel is just a money graber(and a bad one) that only have any success coz Arnold name is there.

So, for those that didn't saw the movie and are real fans of the "Terminator" story/concept I advise you not to see this piece of garbage.

Terminator 3 = Alien 3 :Puke:
Bruce Chickinson said:
I haven't seen it but MiniMurray, Smylex and myself caught PIRATES OF THE CARIBEAN in Vegas before our gig and it was great. Jonny Dep was very funny.

Now there's a one that I'm interested in, but I have doubts coz the tv/cinema trailer doesn't help.
So, is that good ?
Now there's a one that I'm interested in, but I have doubts coz the tv/cinema trailer doesn't help.
So, is that good ?

If I had let the trailers be any indication of films that I didn't want to see, then I never would have seen either Fight Club or Pulp Fiction. And, after having seen the theater trailers for the original Halloween on DVD, I would not have seen it, period! :grin: There are some films where the trailer is better than the actual movie, though (i.e. The Matrix Retreaded).
smylex said:
If I had let the trailers be any indication of films that I didn't want to see, then I never would have seen either Fight Club or Pulp Fiction. And, after having seen the theater trailers for the original Halloween on DVD, I would not have seen it, period! :grin: There are some films where the trailer is better than the actual movie, though (i.e. The Matrix Retreaded).

YES, glad to see others share my opinion of that crappy Matrix sequel. I'm amazed how many people genuinely liked that movie! I practically fell asleep through half of it.....that dialog.....and too much excitement equates to boredom.

I was interested in seeing that 'Pirates' movie until I found out it was a Bruckheimer flick. Too bad....guess I'll catch it on cable.
What's the problem ?
Probably the same thing as T3, you seem to have made up your mind about the movie before you even saw it. I remember you posting how you didn't want to see it because Cameron wasn't involved. Well, I disagree totally with your post and wonder if it was T3 you were watching...? Bad computer effects???
If I were you I'd just wait for 'Return of the King'. 'Pirates' was a fun movie, but the effects aren't any better than T3.
speaking of James Cameron..WHEN THE HELLS HIS NEXT MOVIE COMMING OUT...man I thought he directed Solaris up until I actually saw the movie and realized he just was helping to produce it ... yeah T3 really lost its element and it really is just because James didnt direct it..he wouldnt let that happen to the series if he made the third one.
I have to agree, I saw Terminator yesterday and it's not the best, which is a shame as it could have been a corker. But as is the case in most follow up's they forget that they need a story and not just Arnie and a couple of cheap jokes.
Pirates is a real jem, a must see of the summer, Depp is awesome as Captain Jack. Make sure you get to see this one.
hey dreamaster, by what I have heard
t3 does not =alien3
it equals alien resurrection.
I havent seen it, but by those rumors, I despise it already because it is cruel to kill both of the great scifi horrors. I think that it is the era though.
movies just havn't been good since the fall of the great 80's and early ninetie's cinema, like a lot of things. sad.