Terria cover? What happened?



What happened to the rainbow on the cover of Terria? And what is the grey stuff behind the text? Just curious..
Oh I guess it's like a grey T or something?
Well anyways, cool work..

also curious.. do you work in RGB then change it to CMYK or do you always work in CMYK? and do you take your photos with white backgrounds or do you usually like to select them out or do clipping paths and stuff like that..
For some reason my dumb self actually thought it was the rainbow but with some kind of odd (very odd) printing disaster. I just recalled seeing a rainbow on the version online and I ordered that CD and looked at it and was like "?"

That album is very odd in itself though. I like that Earthday song a lot and the beginning of Canada, but I can't really make any judgement on the rest of it. It confuses me.

By the way, more questions for Trav.. what are you using for you current scanner? When you develop film, do you do it yourself in a dark room or do you go to a film developing place? Do you use same photos/images in different covers? (I think I noticed some stuff from Malevolent "Envenomed" in Terria, those teeth things..) How long does it usually take from concept to finish product on most covers (average)...
me and devin liked the t as part of the logo better than the rainbow and they were interfering with eachother so one or the other had to go. sometimes i will recycle bits and pieces of things in others butif i do i dont use them the same way, i usually do something to make it different. there is nothing in terria that was used on malevent creation though. and i dont do it too often.