Terrible. Damnation is f*cking awful :(

Moonlapse said:
Yeah but a thread title like the one here would really alienate the band away from the forums. Whether joking or not, having something as vulgar and negative as this thread title is just inapropriate.

Opeth are grown men. And chances are, they can read. It's unlikley that this would have gone over their heads too.

In fact, they'd most likely realize that this thread was posted in defense of "Damnation".

Get over yourself.
SoundMaster said:
Ah....did you somehow fail to see the grinning icon with the "3 mile smile" positioned right next to the subject line??!?!?

allow me to reiterate: :grin:

Ermm...did you somehow fail to see I am supporting you and was being sarcastic?
SoundMaster said:
Damnation sucks! Existing outside of the grace of god(s) & being sentenced to eternal torment & torture sucks! It's awful. And I don't recommend it to anyone! Bon Scott must have been stoned or bombed when he stated that "hell aint such a bad place"!!!!!

By the way, when does this new Opeth album come out? I've not yet heard a note of it, and can hardly wait!!!! :rock:

You. Are. GAY.
