Terrified of flying, yet I have a plane to take in 5 days...

Don't get TOO drunk! I absolutely love flying, but I get motion sickness fairly easily if I can't see out the window. I need a visual reference for the movement I'm feeling or I get fucked up. Last time I flew I was hung over. NOT GOOD! Had to use the barf bag before we were off the ground. The funny thing was that the taxi-ing (sp?) was what fucked me up. When we were in the air I was fine. Once we got on the ground and got off the runway again, barf bag time.

I think it helps that I always wanted to be a pilot growing up and think jets are fucking awesome. (I can still name almost any U.S. military jet by sight)

Tell the flight attendants that its your first time flying and you're scared to death, and maybe they'll give you some extra free shit. It's worth a try!
This is my first time flying, but back a few years ago I had like a panic attack just driving by the airport and seeing the actual planes. I'm going to take dramamine and drink some ginger ale and try and pass out, my motion sickness is pretty bad. I'll be with friends so it's not like I'm repping it alone.
I've got the ipod and my headphones I should be able to go to some happy place. Worst case scenario I'm just gunna booze it.
I've got a short time on earth, I can't be a pussy hahah.
Dude - I fucking FREAKED THE FUCK OUT my first time flying, but honestly, once we were on our way down the runway and we lifted off and started climbing, the anxiety slowly passed for me. I was to the point where I was literally shaking and almost in tears as I was boarding the plane. It took everything to keep myself from literally breaking down because I am petrified of heights. Funny thing is, I am scared shitless on op of the Empire State Building, but at this point, flying is way, WAY easier for me. I am sure once you're in the seat and heading up, you will be fine man - it's honestly not bad at all. It feels really cool when the plane lifts off the runway and you start clibming - you get pushed back in your chair, and it almost feel like you're laying in a hammock.

Deep breaths dude - you'll make it!
Yeah dude I know how you feel, I also hate it. The problem for me is that I take from 4 to 6 flights a month... it should be getting better for me but it's not, I love being on the ground.

Planes are safer than cars only because of the pilots, airplane pilots are very well trained, drivers are not. If a driver had to practice 10.000 hours on simulators and spend years on training then cars would be safer than planes. Everything is double-checked and all systems on a plane are top-notch because if shit happens you're at 900Km/h at 10Km high, you can't just pull over.

BTW drinking may make things more dificult, if I were you I would do it sober, doing something so stressful for you with your body fucked up is not smart. If you're taking anything ask your doctor for something to make your mind numb not confused.

Good luck bro
My Mom is terrified of flying too, but she just got prescribed anti-anxiety stuff that does the trick (knocks her right out, no booze required :D) - personally I've never had a problem with it, probably because I've flown more times than I can count since I was a youngin'
watch airplane!

semi-seriously now, it was so funny for us to see my former bass player petrified at the take off, so we realized it was the first time he flew and that he had fear of the planes. think of the unforgettable moments you're gonna give your bandmates, so tell them to tape it! you're gonna love it in a couple of years.

here's my secret weapon for flights (use to have 3 hours trips):


some scotch, some music and see ya people, zzzzzzzzz total comfort sleep with this shit
Dude - I fucking FREAKED THE FUCK OUT my first time flying, but honestly, once we were on our way down the runway and we lifted off and started climbing, the anxiety slowly passed for me. I was to the point where I was literally shaking and almost in tears as I was boarding the plane. It took everything to keep myself from literally breaking down because I am petrified of heights. Funny thing is, I am scared shitless on op of the Empire State Building, but at this point, flying is way, WAY easier for me. I am sure once you're in the seat and heading up, you will be fine man - it's honestly not bad at all. It feels really cool when the plane lifts off the runway and you start clibming - you get pushed back in your chair, and it almost feel like you're laying in a hammock.

Deep breaths dude - you'll make it!
Yeah, you'll also discover that being in a plane is less scary than being on top of a waterfall or whatever. Even me, being used to fly quite high almost everyday, I'm scared of height when I come too close from the edge of it :)

Also, you can add to my list what has been said previously :
- Say it to a flight attendant. Actually, they know how to deal with somebody scared of flying, they are dealing with it every day if not at every flight (especially for longhaul flights full of people), they may have some advice for you better than mine.
- There is no shame of being scared. It's a natural reaction, and it's fairly common, you can see it here. Even in my promotion of pilots, it happens that some are afraid of it at the beginning, because they are not afraid of it but still they have a few reactions they have to learn to control. You see :)
Duuuuude i am with you
though i love turbulance hahaha
just remember
and your ears will defiantly not pop
MY first experience on a plane was from Indianapolis, Indiana to Melbourne, Australia in 2006... roughly 27 hours. On the bright side, being that you're flying internationally, you should be entitled to 'free' drinks, which I highly recommend to help ease your nerves. Also, I'm going to +1 on the sleeping pills if you aren't opposed to that. I took a couple extra strength gel tabs once I was over the ocean between LA and Melbourne since that part of the flight was 14 hours I figured if I was going to be involved in something horrible, I'd rather be heavily medicated and knocked out. I probably slept 1 or 2 hours even WITH the sleeping pills because my nerves were in hyperdrive.
The best thing I can suggest is an ipod/media player loaded with a couple movies & your favorite albums, also bring some chewing gum, twizzlers, taffy, or whatever soft/chewy stuff you like to help avoid or minimalize the ear-pressure effect. I found that when I started to feel the pressure building up in my ears by swallowing saliva (hence candy/chewing gum helps create saliva) it released the build-up. That probably happens every 10,000 feet or so (roughly).
If you're into reading, bring a book or two.
If coming to terms with being strapped into a seat inside a flying tin can over thousands of miles of ocean full of creatures that would no more than love to taste your insides is a bit hard for you, I guess the main thing is to distract yourself with as many things as you can.
If you're anything like myself, the month leading up to my departure was full of television shows, news reports, movies, etc FULL of plane crashes and disasters.... go figure...
its mostly hype considering from any given international airport, it is common to have hundreds of flights every single day of the week.

What're you doing in France, anyway?
I'm going on tour in Europe and it starts in France.

I'm really glad knowing I'm not the only dude on here with this kinda problem. I really think I'll be fine though after hearing you guys' stories.
Dude, I've been on so many flights I can't even count them on all 21 extremities of my body, and I'm only 17 (I've flown on my own to Australia a couple of times as well) :lol:. It's never even crossed my mind that it's something to worry about, the chances of something happening are less than absolutely fuck all. Enjoy take off, see the view from the window, watch a couple of movies, have a sleep and you'll be there before you know it :)

I'm looking forward to coming to one of the shows, it'll be tits to see you in Despised Icon.

A few pints will take the edge off it nicely. I would try to avoid a "window seat" if it is your first time, as you will likely feel safer further in. In saying that, if you did get a window seat it might just sort you out. If you do get a window seat, make sure you are looking out for the WHOLE take off so you can watch what is going on as you get higher, that really helps your brain avoid panic. Its about tricking your mind like le sedna said. Looking out the window at 50,000ft could be a slightly harrowing experience if you dont follow the climb I reckon. Oh yeh, try to avoid thinking about terrorism, its not a good subject to cross your mind when you are stuck up in a sealed capsule and are pretty helpless :lol:
- Try to be relax in your seat, inspire, expire.


I'm really not trying to be an ass, I know it's just a bit of a language thing going on here. It's just really funny when you take it literally... It was a post about how to be comfortable on a plane, but this bullet point sounds like "Motivate the people around you on the plane, and then die!" :lol: