Brian K
Bring some noise canceling headphones too, unless you like to hear the drone of the plane engines under your music
Yeah, you'll also discover that being in a plane is less scary than being on top of a waterfall or whatever. Even me, being used to fly quite high almost everyday, I'm scared of height when I come too close from the edge of itDude - I fucking FREAKED THE FUCK OUT my first time flying, but honestly, once we were on our way down the runway and we lifted off and started climbing, the anxiety slowly passed for me. I was to the point where I was literally shaking and almost in tears as I was boarding the plane. It took everything to keep myself from literally breaking down because I am petrified of heights. Funny thing is, I am scared shitless on op of the Empire State Building, but at this point, flying is way, WAY easier for me. I am sure once you're in the seat and heading up, you will be fine man - it's honestly not bad at all. It feels really cool when the plane lifts off the runway and you start clibming - you get pushed back in your chair, and it almost feel like you're laying in a hammock.
Deep breaths dude - you'll make it!
Eat a good meal and take some laxatives a few minutes before the take off and you won't even think about the flight
- Try to be relax in your seat, inspire, expire.