TesseracT Recording @ London Sphere Studios (Neve 72 track!!!)


Dec 2, 2003
Milton Keynes UK
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Kinda new to the forum but I was down in London last friday recording at sphere studios. Dam the place is fucking amazing! Eric clapton, Mariah Carey, Razorlight, Will Young \m/ have all recorded here. I knew the place must be good when I saw a Lambagini parked outside! We went in to record the drums and bass for Sunrise which went amazingly well. We may use this as a single to release soon before the album comes out which also is very close to completion!

We're going back soon to do the guitars and sort out the vocals. We may be doing the final mix on the same SSL mixer used by Andy Wallice to mix Nirvana's Nevermind, RATM and Jeff Buckley!

There is a video clip of the session uploaded to the myspace and also here:


It was like being in heaven though! Neve 72 track mixer, Universal Audio Urie's, £5000 telefunken mics, royer ribbon room mics :zombie:

Anyway, theres some new photos uploaded to the myspaz and there should be some more photos uploaded to the website tommorow.

Dude that is insane. I had thought with the quality you achieved in your home set-up, you'd just do the entire thing there.

That place must be costing you a fortune! Can't wait to hear the end result.
Dude that is insane. I had thought with the quality you achieved in your home set-up, you'd just do the entire thing there.

That place must be costing you a fortune! Can't wait to hear the end result.

He charges around £1500 a day! :ill: But the studio records alot of big pop acts. We managed to get this one for free though! So i wasn't gonna say no! (mos the bassist is friends with the owner/producer)

The live room sounds amazing so im tempted to maybe record the drums there for album. Probablly couldn't afford to do the guitars and everything there though even at a friends rate. See how it all pans out though!
yeah - we better make it sound sick, if we dont - we gone fucked up! Nah - I went to hear what the drums and bass sounded like yesterday to make sure all was cool, and it was - Nice! And the andy wallace g seris is tight! Althouigh the snare sounded better through the neve, the low end was much better through the 4000. Still we aint even got to mixing yet and it rocks. The room was lush as Acle would say. :headbang:
looks awesome dude!
(scuse shouting they are just that damn good)
To be honest the lights are the best bit about that place, oh and the 8 ball in the neve 88, as your mouse ball, or 88 ball as I should say. Perhaps the faint wiff of mariah carey too, I am unsure. :lol: