Test mix for review please...


Sep 12, 2007
Yeah, id say that the guitars are a bit overgained as well.. they lack ALLOT of attack.
In this song id like to hear a real "PADOOOW!" from the guitars, not a "OOOMP!". ;)

What did you use for the guitars?
The guitars were

Les Paul Standard w/jb into Radial J48 into Maxon OD808 into 6505mk1 into Randall 4X12 (V30) w 1 57 into FMR RNP. 57 was off-axis pointed towards the edge of the cone, about an inch back from the grill.

Thanks for the confirmation. I think the gain was up a bit much on the TS for starts and the amp was overgained. Fortunatly I can reamp it. Just wanted to toss this up to get some help from you guys.

You think it's a full reamper job? Or do you think it's maybe salvageable with some filters (hp/Lp) and eq on the low mids.
The guitars were

Les Paul Standard w/jb into Radial J48 into Maxon OD808 into 6505mk1 into Randall 4X12 (V30) w 1 57 into FMR RNP. 57 was off-axis pointed towards the edge of the cone, about an inch back from the grill.

Thanks for the confirmation. I think the gain was up a bit much on the TS for starts and the amp was overgained. Fortunatly I can reamp it. Just wanted to toss this up to get some help from you guys.

You think it's a full reamper job? Or do you think it's maybe salvageable with some filters (hp/Lp) and eq on the low mids.

Well, that signal chain looks pretty good on the other hand! ;)

I just threw the mp3 in to an eq and pulled down the 250hz-500hz area, and it sounded much better.. i also tried boosting the 3khz area and it lifted the guitars out front, try to fiddle around in the 2.5khz-3.5khz area(Its usually there the "punch" is on distorted guitars.).
And yes, try using a hp-filter.. let the bass come from the bass! ;)

So try some of those things out, if it doesn't work, reamp it! :)
Hmm, this version seems more muffled?
The first one had a very nice presence on the guitars, which just isn't there any more, did you lowpass?

I like how the kick sounds in the new version, but the snare got pushed back in the mix, it needs more highs.
Try to put the guitars back as they where before, and just highpass and scoop them a little.
Hey dude, so I did a reamp test on it. Hope you'll let me know what you think. guitars are hp-65 and lp-12k only. Put up the whole song this time, just in case you were interested. Thanks a lot for all your time and help dude. Got the snare back up too. Maybe too much? Kinda neglected the vocals too, but I will get to that, haha.

