Testament confirmed for Bang Your Head Festival 2004


misanthropical breed
Apr 18, 2003
Germany - Bodensee
Hell yeah, right now I´ve read that Testament are going to crush Balingen in June 2004 where the Bang Your Head Festival is taking place every year.

So I´m looking forward to see Testament after I saw them last Spring on the No Mercy Tour. As I´m working for the "Street Team" of the BYH Festival maybe I get the chance to see the guys backstage and get some pics, CDs and vinyls signed :)

@ DE

Walt, don´t forget to come along to our tent city hehe and get your German beer which will be waiting there for you and the other Testa guys :)))

Hope to see some of the board members there !!! :headbang:
Edgecrusher666 said:
@ DE

Walt, don´t forget to come along to our tent city hehe and get your German beer which will be waiting there for you and the other Testa guys :)))

Hope to see some of the board members there !!! :headbang:
Hunt Me Down, if you can................o_O
TESTAMENT Confirmed For Germany's BANG YOUR HEAD Festival

Veteran San Francisco Bay Area thrashers TESTAMENT have been confirmed for the 2004 edition of the Bang Your Head festival, set to take place June 25-26 in Balingen, Germany.

The list of bands currently scheduled to perform at the event looks as follows:


The festival's second headliner — the final band to be announced for the event — will be revealed soon.

Tickets for the festival are priced at 55 euros (plus shipping) and are limited to 22,000. For more information, visit [url]www.bang-your-head.de[/url].

From BlabberMouth.Net
Edgecrusher666 said:
Be sure I will man ;-)
So you´re travelling with the band Walt ?
Yes I am...........Sounds like I know you..........?..............But I can't see you through this computer........so help me out?...........Fuck the beers.......bring me some Absinth........the real stuff.........my favorite stuff!
Absinth ? hehe ok, I´ll bring some with me .......... no, I don´t think you can remember me, we were talking once on the "Riding The Snake" Tour in Zuerich, Switzerland ... september ´99 !? A quite long time ago ........ but you are really sure you don´t want some German beer ??? Man, you must be sick :D
Edgecrusher666 said:
Absinth ? hehe ok, I´ll bring some with me .......... no, I don´t think you can remember me, we were talking once on the "Riding The Snake" Tour in Zuerich, Switzerland ... september ´99 !? A quite long time ago ........ but you are really sure you don´t want some German beer ??? Man, you must be sick :D
That was along time ago, but I'd remember you, once I see your face & then it would all come back to me.......German Beer is good.......Absinth........Way Better......I'm sick like that!..........BTW.....Zurich is one of my favorite European cities, I've been there quite a few times & love walking along the water, & the Old part of the city.......its clean, beautiful, great people, & a very rich city.....it almost can't get any better........!

So if you were at that Zurich Show back then..........You saw the only Testament show without Eric Peterson.......He & Chuck's wife were in the hospital, for massive Food Poisioning(Bad Chicken from Poland)........The show still went off, sold out...........Steve Smyth was Eddie Van Halen that night & did a termendous job........pulling that show off, I think none of us will ever forget that night!...............Testament's only 4 piece show ever!
ok we´ll see if you can remember my ugly face hehe ...
I agree, Zuerich is really a nice city but as you mentioned very very rich and therefore expensive. I just go there on concerts (always great bands in the Abart Music Club, Dynamo & Xtra) for example my last ones were Iron Maiden, Machine Head, etc. last fall.

I remeber the show without Eric, Chuck told the crowd that night, Eric was sent to hospital due to some bad food !? And he titled the gig the "Steve show" due to Steve S (Eddie Van Halen hehe, you´re fuckin´right man), Steve D and Steve Jacobs on drums.
What I also remeber is that Chuck promised to come back in the next year with Eric on guitar and they really did, I was there on 22.06.2000 too .........

So I´m looking forward to june 2004, I hope everything will go right and we all can enjoy Testament´s premiere on the Bang Your Head Festival :headbang:
Deadly Embrace said:
TESTAMENT Confirmed For Germany's BANG YOUR HEAD Festival

Veteran San Francisco Bay Area thrashers TESTAMENT have been confirmed for the 2004 edition of the Bang Your Head festival, set to take place June 25-26 in Balingen, Germany.
Tickets for the festival are priced at 55 euros (plus shipping) and are limited to 22,000. For more information, visit [url="http://www.bang-your-head.de/"]www.bang-your-head.de[/url].
22,000 doesnt sound like a whole lot of people. How far in advance is it
advised to get a ticket for this? I've been kind of planning to get to Germany
in June anyway, so I'd love to go to this, but I've got a few important life
things in the air right now and until those get settled, I can't really confirm
anything and I'd hate to miss out.....

TL, DE, Edgecrusher.....anything you tell me?
Testament Legions said:
Actually, e-mail Steve Smyth... he played that particular fest a couple of years ago with Nevermore.

Ok. I need to email him anyway. He stole my lighter. :D

Just Kidding. :Spin:
ok, here we go .......

First of all ....... the BYH Fest is best and most beautiful festival I´ve ever been to. Why ? Here are the reasons ...

1. The City where the fest is located is called Balingen, a little town in Southern Germany, very familiar and so is the fest. The tickets are limited to 22.000. daily (!!!) so that means, if there 15.000 people with tickets for the whole weekend there are daily 7.000 tickets you can buy at the "Tages-Kasse". These tickets cost a little more than the tickets you pre-order but that´s ok. I´ve been there the last 3 years and it was never sold out though there were a lof metal maniacs.

2. the fest is at the edge of the town and the camping grounds are located in the middle of 2 big super markets, a McDonald´s and a "Freibad" (= public bath with swimming pool etc.) is about 5 minutes away, etc. ......... it´s perfect !!!!! I remeber when I was a several times at the Dynamo Festival or Wacken Festival, you´re just cut off the rest of the world, sitting all day on a huge festival area, this sucks !

3. Until I was the first time there (2000) I never was attending such an amazing fest ´cause in Balingen I never saw any guys beating ech other up and things like that. Everything is relaxed and cool and just familiar. Everyone just wants to party.

2002 I saw Steve Smyth with Nevermore (awesome gig) and afterwards Steve was signing my Testament Shirt (right below Chuck´s signature hehe) after I threw my Testament shirt at him (I was too far away to reach him hehe).
It was really cool ...... and in my opinion it´s a dream come true Testament is going to play this festival.
A friend of mine was always making jokes of me ´cause since 2001 I was always writing to the guestbook of the website of the festival that I wanna fuckin´ see Testament play there and last year even the Manager answered that he tried to get Testament (and Death Angel) but both bands had some other duties ........ and now are both playing.

Can´t wait for the end of june :headbang:
you´re welcome :)

here are some pics of the festival which I uploaded for you all.....

Nevermore (search for Steve hehe) ...



the audience




the camping ground





yes and I didn´t enter the stage and regretted it so much after the show, BUT hehe ...... when Testament was playing in Munich last April Chuck asked the fans too to enter the stage and I did :headbang: