Testament-First Strike Still Deadly

i'm there with drillsergeant-the re-recorded versions are the bollocks.great sound and definition which couldnt quite be captured when they recorded the origionals-i only wished that they had re recorded one or two from practise to give them a heavier sound and also just the title track off of souls of black cause i love the song but cant stand the production.isnt there two souza tracks?
baldyboy said:
i only wished that they had re recorded...the title track off of souls of black cause i love the song but cant stand the production.isnt there two souza tracks?
Hell, yeah! The mere thought makes me freak. Souls Of Black (the whole album) is unfortunately overlooked by many. But if my memory doesn't fail me The Legacy was the only track on that record which had been left from the Souza-days.
First Strike is the shit. It was the first album that really turned me onto Testament. I had bought the best of which I thought was OK but then I bought First Strike and my jaw just dropped. Best tracks are First Strike Is Deadly, Trial By Fire, The Preacher, Burnt Offerings, Over The Wall, Alone In The Dark & Reign Of Terror. I prefer the original versions of Into The Pit, Disciples Of The Watch, The New Order and The Haunting. Anyway I need some advice off you guys - I need to decide which Testament cd to get next - I have got First Strike Still Deadly, The Very Best Of, The Gathering, Live At The Fillmore, Souls Of Black & Live At Eindhoven. What's the best one to get next? Im fancying Low
its gotta be practise what you preach next for sure.judging by the list that you've put up,you've got most of the good stuff already.the gathering foe me is their finest later album,but you must buy practise if only for some fuckin blistering skolnick solos!and fellas,i'm sure souza sang alone in the dark and reign of terror on my cd-the last two tracks right?neither of those sounded like chuck.someone help me out here,i'm going crazy!
baldyboy said:
and fellas,i'm sure souza sang alone in the dark and reign of terror on my cd-the last two tracks right?neither of those sounded like chuck.someone help me out here,i'm going crazy!
Yeah, you got that right.

baldyboy said:
its gotta be practise what you preach next for sure.judging by the list that you've put up,you've got most of the good stuff already.the gathering foe me is their finest later album,but you must buy practise if only for some fuckin blistering skolnick solos!
Totally agree! Basically The Legacy is better than Practice What You Preach but as you own First Strike Is Deadly you already have half of that album so I'd go for PWYP.
The saYer said:
the only thing you get when you buy this album is a better version of into the pit and the zetro souza track. Othwer than that, the originals pack more energy.

There's nothing wrong with the originals but you can't tell
me that the new versions arent really killer sounding.

yes, the album is killer, but the band just packs more energy in the originals.
and drillsargeant, another thing we can agree on is souls of black. Man oh man! is that album fun to listen to.
Crushing album. I love the originals and this CD is amazing because we get them just more pumped up, better production, more amped and more fucking Metal than they originally were. I'd love to see other bands do this...Jag Panzer did a great job with a similar compilation album this year as well.
The saYer said:
...and drillsargeant, another thing we can agree on is souls of black. Man oh man! is that album fun to listen to.
Most definitely! Souls Of Black, One Man's Fate, Face In The Sky, Falling Fast... pure adrenaline rock! The only thing I regret about the first four Testament albums is their sound. Don't get me wrong, Testament have a good sound and Alex Perialas is a generally good producer. I just think that his way of producing fits bands like Anthrax much better than it does Thrashers like Testament. I just can't help it, I always feel that these albums could have sounded so much heavier. And First Strike Still Deadly semms to approve this!
DrillSergeant said:
Most definitely! Souls Of Black, One Man's Fate, Face In The Sky, Falling Fast... pure adrenaline rock! The only thing I regret about the first four Testament albums is their sound. Don't get me wrong, Testament have a good sound and Alex Perialas is a generally good producer. I just think that his way of producing fits bands like Anthrax much better than it does Thrashers like Testament. I just can't help it, I always feel that these albums could have sounded so much heavier. And First Strike Still Deadly semms to approve this!

you could say that it had more energy in the origional versions of the songs.i dont know about better.guess you have to balance up the loss of the raw edge against the superior production.shame they didnt have andy sneap producing for them when they did the origional albums.
baldyboy said:
you could say that it had more energy in the origional versions of the songs.i dont know about better.guess you have to balance up the loss of the raw edge against the superior production.shame they didnt have andy sneap producing for them when they did the origional albums.

Probably, I guess it's a matter of what you prioritize.
absolutely-i have arguments with friends all the time on a style v substance basis-the most popular one tends to be the misfits.now i like glenn danzig a lot,his danzig stuff was great,but i thought,and mainly from a production point of view,that the misfits sucked big time.metallica covered a few of their songs and i would argue with my misfit loving friends about it for hours in the pub.i mean,how did metallica make such a great sounding song out of die die my darling.i listened to the origional and thought it was fckin awful.i guess i'm just a production monkey.
baldyboy said:
absolutely-i have arguments with friends all the time on a style v substance basis-the most popular one tends to be the misfits.now i like glenn danzig a lot,his danzig stuff was great,but i thought,and mainly from a production point of view,that the misfits sucked big time.metallica covered a few of their songs and i would argue with my misfit loving friends about it for hours in the pub.i mean,how did metallica make such a great sounding song out of die die my darling.i listened to the origional and thought it was fckin awful.i guess i'm just a production monkey.

sounds like it applies, although I never heard of any those recordings
This album kills. The originals already kicked ass and this is just them on steroids! I love the way they re-made them. Testament are one of the greatest heavy metal bands of all time. My favorites from them are "The Legacy", "Practice What You Preach" and "The Gathering". I saw them live this past May on the Metal Gods tour along with Painmuseum, Carnal Forge, Amon Amarth, Primal Fear, Immortal and Halford. Testament just killed. When they took the stage it felt like a truck hit me in the face the impact was so hard and heavy. Long live Testament!