Testament (or Eric): The riff masters of all time?

"My top four are the "backbone of thrash."

Hmm, what about Gary Holt? If BBB isnt one of the top alltime 5 thrash albums ever, Ill eat my copy right now! LOL
Aside from Mustaine, Gary's riffing on BBB owns Peterson, Hetfield and King!
(as does everyone else on my list hehehehe)
There can be no honorable mention for Tommy either that guy WAS the best....period....the end.
As much as I love Coroner, and how amazing they were live, there are lots of other bands I like better, but NO ONE played like that fucker! He was godly on Punishment for Decadence, No More Color and Mental Vortex. His riffs were unbelievable. I would have liked to see him team up with Glenn Alvelais, who is WAY fucking underrated! That guy KILLS!!!!! TestAmenT should have never let him get away. Why did he leave? Anyone know what hes up to these days?????
No offense at all to him, but these guys all blow away anything Eric Peterson has ever written.
If you dont know who they are, then its not surprising you wont agree

Boy Hunger! You put the "old" in old school! :Smug:

I'm not worthy