Testament - The Gathering gear list


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
I know these kinds of thread pop up quite often, but I'm sure we've all learned to deal with it :). The Gathering is quite possibly my favourite production sound in the entire metal realm. At the end of this week I'm going to begin tracking a band with very big influences in Testament, and a relatively similar overall sound.

I'm just wondering whether any of you guys can point me at various gear that was used during tracking (drums, cymbals, mics, amps etc.). Also any particular tricks used during the recording... peculiar mic placements, sample overlays etc.

Much appreciation,
If I remember correctly:

Amp Rhythm: Triple Rectifier
Amp for James' leads: Marshall (That is all James remembers)

Cab Rhythm: Mesa 4x12 loaded with Vintage 30 Celestions.

Cab microphone: SM 57 (or was it the Beta 57?)

James mentioned that he played through an Ibanez loaded with Dimarzio pickups (Steve's Special in the bridge and Air Norton in the neck), dunno why he did not use the magnificent EMG 85.

No Idea what Eric played through but I assume the pickup is an EMG 85.
This is written somewhere in this forum..

Testament - The Gathering - guitar - Dean gtr with seymours, Boogie Triple rectifier and boogie cab with vintage 30's (shure beta 57).
Recording: Adats and soundcraft Ghost!! We hired some outboard stuff, a couple of neves, Tube tech, SSL and GML8200, but no automation, mixed down onto 2 tracks of the last adat, dropping in on sections I wanted different.
Drums: toms are totally triggered
Mix: SSL comp across the whole mix, and a finalizer also a tiny bit.
Source: Andy Sneap on his forum at

..according to http://www.martyfireball.f2s.com/DOD/getrecording.htm
Nitronium Blood said:
If I remember correctly:

Amp Rhythm: Triple Rectifier
Amp for James' leads: Marshall (That is all James remembers)

Cab Rhythm: Mesa 4x12 loaded with Vintage 30 Celestions.

Cab microphone: SM 57 (or was it the Beta 57?)

James mentioned that he played through an Ibanez loaded with Dimarzio pickups (Steve's Special in the bridge and Air Norton in the neck), dunno why he did not use the magnificent EMG 85.

No Idea what Eric played through but I assume the pickup is an EMG 85.
i was already getting sick with the tumor at the time, but for some reason i let the Ibanez people talk me into switching to DiMarzio... i've always liked some of their models and so Steve Blucher (great guy, btw) outfitted all my new ibanez's with the steve's special/air norton combo.... i was happy with them at the time as i recall.. but i was sick with a tumor that affected my brain, so who knows... any way, Andy told me the tone was buzzy on my solos... he fixed it up with eq though. consequently i returned to the pick-up that gave me my best tones from the past... as on Low and Live at the Filmore: the magnificent EMG 85. :cool:

in fairness to DiMarzio, the buzziness may not have been the fault of the pick-ups... another likely culprit could have been the 4x10 marshall cab i used. who know's why i did that.. certainly not me.. that tumor caused some weird behavior that i can't explain really... i guess you'd just have to experience it yourself to understand... here's to hoping you never have to. :kickass:
Wow that is some nice literature James! Cheers! I never knew you had used the EMG 85 back then on the Low album. By the way that album kills!

One question when did you start using the EMG 85?
viva_360 said:
Wow that is some nice literature James! Cheers! I never knew you had used the EMG 85 back then on the Low album. By the way that album kills!

One question when did you start using the EMG 85?
back in 1992 in Wales England.. me and Colin Richardson spend 4 days trying different pick-ups in my Gibson Flying V while trying to find the right rhythm sound for the Disincarnate debut album.... once we tried the 85 we knew the search was over.. been using them since with the exception of 1999 when i briefly switched back to DiMarzio.. i had been using the DiMarzio Super Distortion in the bridge of all my guitars for years prior to switching to the 85 in '92. in fact, i had my black saber (which you can see on the cover of my Convergence album from '96) there with me at the studio in Wales and i did all the Disincarnate solos with it.. so it was a Saber/Super Distorion combo for the solos and the Flying V/85 combo for the rhythms.
James Murphy said:
back in 1992 in Wales England.. me and Colin Richardson spend 4 days trying different pick-ups in my Gibson Flying V while trying to find the right rhythm sound for the Disincarnate debut album.... once we tried the 85 we knew the search was over.. been using them since with the exception of 1999 when i briefly switched back to DiMarzio.. i had been using the DiMarzio Super Distortion in the bridge of all my guitars for years prior to switching to the 85 in '92. in fact, i had my black saber (which you can see on the cover of my Convergence album from '96) there with me at the studio in Wales and i did all the Disincarnate solos with it.. so it was a Saber/Super Distorion combo for the solos and the Flying V/85 combo for the rhythms.

Hey James what if suppose this world didn't have the company EMG which pickup would you use from which company? By the way thanks for a part of your history to be share upon us! :worship: