Testament to Australia...


otherwise known as HLC
Dec 11, 2005
Western Sydney, Australia!
Personally, i think that it would be a very worthwhile endeavour if the mighty TEstament came down under. :cool: all my other favourite bands have been slowly making their way down here over the last couple of years... 'thrax, megadeth, 'tallica, Opeth in april... just gotta see Testament and Slayer. and just seeing Chuck live would be KILLER!

anyway, yeah. come to Australia. Australia Rocks!:cool:
Australia rocks if they dont mind playing to like 3000 ppl at each show, and only playing about 5 shows over a continent thats ALMOST (not quite) as big as the US of A.

As muchas id love to see Testament live in OZ, i dont know if it will ever happen unless its for a larger festival with any popular metal band brining in more of an attendance.
For the land area that Oz covers, i think many bands would like to have a larger turnout, especially if they're use to playing to 3000-5000 people at each show in say europe, except with twice as many shows for such a large area of land, i mean when a band tours Europe, they generally have close to 15 dates/ towns to play at, not just the 5 major cities in Oz.
Unfortunately Testament dont have quite a huge following here in Oz, id say reacent bands that have toured like Arch Enemy and Children of Bodom have a larger and more active fan base than the "aging" Testament followers.
Dont get me wrong though, id love to have these legends here, i just think many people and bands are too hopefull when they play Oz. Those that do know what to expect tend not to come down due to the large cost involved.
yeah i mean Megadeth took 3 weeks to sell out a small venue... where as Opeth have prety much sold out a larger venue in half the time i beleive. i dunno. i just wanna see testament lol.