Testament Tribute band

Listening to their songs sound just like the Testament version. I mean, even the singer has the Chuck Billy voice. They at least need to change it up a little bit and do some things different, because why listen to them when we can listen to the original (and best) and it be the same thing?
Haha, I'd say the vocals are the only thing that are different, but I'm not gona crucify anyone for not sounding exactly like Chuck. It's not liek I sound anythnig like him, as much as I'd love to :p
Hey guys,

We're following Testaments footsteps. We're playing the Dynamo Club in Eindhoven, Holland on the 22nd of march. Hopefully some Dutch/Belgian thrashers will come out!

We played a show last saturday. We played really well, but the crowd was very timid. I think we took most of em by surprise. They've never heared of testament, they expected something like metallica/maiden hehe

The setlist:

The Preacher
The Haunting
Alone In The Dark
Souls Of Black
Burnt Offerings
Into The Pit
Over The Wall
Raging Waters

Next week: DYNAMO!
Most definitely...We only heared more than meets the eye so far. We will probably wait for the entire album to come out and pick the coolest songs on there. In the meantime we are working on some more classics: disciples, practice, sins of omission.

For the ones who are interested:


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I noticed you play mostly the stuff from the first two records and "The Gathering". I hope you'll be expanding and covering also the other albums. Perhaps one day we'll have heard every single Testament song covered by you :) Would surely be cool
I noticed you play mostly the stuff from the first two records and "The Gathering". I hope you'll be expanding and covering also the other albums. Perhaps one day we'll have heard every single Testament song covered by you :) Would surely be cool

haha. every single one. maybe one day...I'll have to grow a couple of legs extra to play Fall of Sipledome or Legions of the dead for example. Damn Lombardo.

Maybe you can choose wat songs you want us to play or something