Tested out my new Bareknuckles, new Recabinet/invader mix inside

I might have been updating it, I uploaded the wrong version and had to replace it. Should be working fine now though.
Sounds cool man. Definitely a very natural tone, and I like how much definition there is in the notes, I even dig the weird handling noise.

I've been making some discoveries about how to get even better, fuller tone out of my own product lately, gonna be posting some video tutorials soon on it.
I like it. It sounds pretty hi fi, although the drums kinda made it hard for me to focus on the tone. Something about the ride was distracting. Also i would saturate the gtr tone alittle more.
I've literally listened to that clip about 20 times in the last day. Did you use a Crackmaster 800 guitar amp for that or just sprinkle heroin in the mix? Seriously, WTF? Someone please put something new out so I can turn this off. Well, I guess I'll go listen to Mendels Annihilation again. : )
I'm glad you like it man :) it's not even finished yet! but I won't have time to add much to it until this weekend
Man, that has got some sick GROOVE. Nice riffs.

It's funny how much impact vocals can change a song. I could either hear it as some brutal death metal or some rad powermetal.
I've heard a lot of different vocal suggestions now.. I was thinking a guy more along the lines of Maynard myself but I can see the death growl. If I did power metal vox though, I'd need to ratchet the tempo up some more to maybe like 210 ahaha
And yeah... groove is what I do :D