Texas Instruments Chipset Firewire card?

Charles J

New Metal Member
Oct 12, 2008
You all!

I'm looking for a TI based PCI firewire card for our studio computer to use w/a 002R (borrowing it until our 2626 comes in) and need to know which brand/model I can pick up at wither CompUsa, Best Buy, etc.

I've tried searching their sites with no luck, it's kind of a cluster fuck searching online... We need it ASAP.

Any recommendations for me as to which brand/model I could pick up at one of the aformentioned stores?

Thanks dudes!
Fucking thanks a TON dudes! Hopefully one of those is available locally, as we need it TODAY, basically. Any suggestions for the Best Buy / CompUsa crowd? Maybe they already carry one of these brands/models...