Texas Republicans (place forehead into palm)

Yikes, that is some scary stuff. The only thing I really agree with is the comment regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Everything else makes me want to vom a bit.

It's shit like this that really gives the word Republican or Conservative a nasty reputation. You can't mention having right wing values without being associated with those nutjobs.

At the same time, I believe that the education system in general, the values of teachers/professors are something to look into as well. It doesn't matter how it's printed in the book, professors will twist it any which way they please. I can't tell you how liberally biased many of my classes were. Rather than having us interpret things on our own, we were forced to allow the professor to wear his/her heart on their sleeve when it came to sensitive topics. You can bet that this affects the grading process as well. It's all a big mess. High School textbooks are a joke as well. I'm not saying saying generally lean left or right, but they are most certainly missing some veryyyy important moments in history - at least that was my experience.

It doesn't matter how it's printed in the book, professors will twist it any which way they please.

Holly shit, X 1,000,000

I was in an English class and the professor spared no moment of opportunity to bash Bush when he was in office. Apparently that has anything to with English. Like I give a flying fuck how my prick professor votes. :puke:
one more reason to hate texas.

Don't hate all of us. :D

Don't even get me started on the education system here (but that goes for the whole country for that matter). This is one of many reasons why, if we haven't packed up and moved somewhere else by that time, when my son gets old enough for school, he's going to a private school, or even better, the British School that is here.
Holly shit, X 1,000,000

I was in an English class and the professor spared no moment of opportunity to bash Bush when he was in office. Apparently that has anything to with English. Like I give a flying fuck how my prick professor votes. :puke:

Dude, 100%.

My very first University class was Writing Prose or something. The professor was a former hippie, who told us he found God through an acid trip, was a professional pool player who had a website called Gospel Trick Shot (this was all true lol), and proceeded to tell us every day that we were being dumbed down by the world. He gave us a history of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam on the first day of class.

Riggggght. Exactly what I should be learning in an English class!

Ya I would be a republican if it weren't for douches like these guys. The ultra left is pretty bad but these right wingers are just really awful human beings. Sorry if I offended any good republicans here.

Dude, no offense taken. I consider myself mostly right leaning, but have plenty of liberal friends and share some values with them as well.

Dude, no offense taken. I consider myself mostly right leaning, but have plenty of liberal friends and share some values with them as well.


Yeah same here. I have been conservative pretty much my entire life, but I find reasoning and such in both sides. Its unfortunate that both sides have to have such irrational buttfucks involved. If everyone could learn to not to be such waterheads and just chill about shit I think we could figure somethings out.

Do read.