

Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Hmm. Why aren't these guys signed? You'd think labels would be bending over backwards to scoop the band up. Didn't some of the members used to post on UM?
Hi all :wave:
I have to admit it is very annoying for trying to get even a shity deal from some crapy label.
For some reason, labels are pretty lazy to sign new bands at these times,
actually they seem to be even scared to take risks. Most Labels aim for
bands that already have a stable fanbase and albums and some name.
So what can we do but work hard and hope the best.
And maybe, just maybe we get signed some day.
If not, we're going to record full album on our own
and pay the bloody studio by selling our asses on the mall. :cool:

@Erik: You should listen the latest promo "Ad Mortis Infinitum",
if you haven't already, that's easily the best one,
with the best production so far from our demos.
You can download full songs from here under "Discography" section.
But ofcourse it just might be the case you simply dont like our kind of music aswell,
which is fully accetable :p

Also we've made some changes just month ago.
We dropped our tune from E to D.
And if yo ask from me, things are starting to sound way better,
Karri can sing way better in that tune. So at this point
we are sticking with the D tune and testing how things work with that.
New songs we make all the time. We would have material for 2 albums already...
So you can only guess how frustrating it is to send 25-35 demos to
labels all over the world, then wait 3 months for replies...
where only about 5-6 labels reply with standard "thanks, but no thanks"reply sheet...
where of you really can't even tell if they actually listened the demo at all.

Lasse of Thales
(And yeah I used to use "Hearse" nick in here, but I changed it to Fevermist some while ago)