Thanatos - Undead. Unholy. Divine.


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Thanatos – Undead. Unholy. Divine.
Black Lotus Records – June 10th, 2004
By Jason Jordan


It’s nice to know that there is more to Holland than the level from Twisted Metal 2. Specifically, old school death metal outfit: Thanatos. Undead. Unholy. Divine. is reminiscent of albums from yesteryear, but features enough technicality and quality to be relevant to today’s death metal scene.

As the group would have it, “Lambs to the Slaughter” presents all the band has to offer within the confines of one song. In other words, this is speedy death metal that incorporates guitar leads (duh) and appropriate vocals (duh again) to reach climactic heights. “Undead. Unholy. Divine.” dumbs down the instrumentation to just drums and bass while Gebedi offers his vocal lines. After delving into the first couple songs, the epiphany – that the band is extremely focused and is subsequently tight – is reached. “Eraser” has some good differentiation in the drum department; the riffage is menacing as well. “Beyond Terror” uses piano and keyboards to produce chanting until heaviness enters at the 0:40 minute mark. The song does speed up, though. If you’re looking for a band/record to complement Grave and Bloodbath, then Thanatos will do you quite well. Most compositions tend to sound like a mixture between the two, previously cited music-makers.

To be brief, Undead. Unholy. Divine. is good, old school death metal. I highly advise checking out Thanatos if the aforesaid characteristics fit comfortably in your range of listening. Searching for the album is easily worth the costs, and it’s even easier to become acclimated to the band as a whole. Good job guys.


Official Thanatos website
Official Black Lotus Records website