I just want to say thanks to Enchant for bringing me to a new era in my life in music, I discovered them about a year ago at work listening to jerrys prog rock on the Internet and since then I have purchased every album they have made, there music has in someways changed the way I look at life, from the lyrics to the riffs I feel inspired when I play there music, I have spread the word to everyone I know for them to pick up a few of Enchants albums and just listen to a work of art, I cannot say enough about Enchant, I am so glad I discovered this thing called progresive rock although I have been a big Quennsryche fan for ages I never knew there were groups like Enchant, Shadow Gallery and Spocks beard, Although IMHO Enchant has the most thought provoking music of the lot, Thanks again Enchant you all are the best! and your new album sounds great I cant wait to get it.