Thank you for a great show


Den Sista Ljusbäraren
Jul 20, 2004
It's strange this thread hasn't been opened yet so here we go
Thank You Orphaned Land for a great show, great sound awsome energies and the zulta extreme speaker climbing show:kickass:
It did look a little strange without a guest on Halo Dies but sounded just as awsome.

and thanks to all the wonderful israeli and international friends i met at the show...Nathalie,Yannick,Avish,Maria, Eran,Miri, Rafish, Lior and anyone else I met and for some reason I forgot to mention.

I heard rumours about Maria and Yossi's engagement but I took them as rumours because I haven't heard anything from an official source(probably becuase I don't post in the disciples forum) that I got it confirmed, even though it's kind of late i still think a Mazal Tov is due so

Mazal Tov Maria and Yossi for your engagement...
I wish you to be happy and make the most out of your time together
and keep rocking...felicitation pour vos fiancailles
a votre sante:kickass:
ahhhh.....Ilan.....and we thought you are a wise man who knows so many languages......
you ruined your reputation!


hey I never said I know dutch...just a few words maybe, apart from the time I told Nathalie something rude and gramatically incorrect and pronounced incorrectly in dutch on the OL show. Even though dutch is pretty easy to learn or so some of my friends say
I'll just stick to swedish...maybe a little danish with pink throne.

and now for something in german
wollt ihr das bett in flammen sehen? or as we say in hebrew
מי רוצה לראות בולבול של בדואי?:lol:
hey it's not my fault I wasn't born dutch...geef mij een pak slaag andere keer;)
I don't think think anyone believes i speak dutch...

well it's pretty late