Thank you gals!

Mr Toast

Aug 1, 2002
Hey Linda, Sara, Wanda, Aja, and Liz,
(also Mark, Chris, and RJ)

That was quite the enjoyable weekend! Sooo many memories! Watching the Exodus soundcheck, Elvis the Paku, the Flea pillow, all the great openers, Sabrina aka Edwina onstage, the KBER interview... remember that metal starts and ends with Maiden! Liz said starts, not started, in which case the Led Zep/Iron Butterfly/etc. argument would have applied. Yes metal was established with those early bands, but these days when you discuss metal Maiden is the band that most metalheads relate to! Sorry, I digressed a bit there... anyways this was one of the most truly enjoyable weekends I've had in a while!!!

BTW, I loved the costumes on Saturday! Especially Raquel Kim...

The openers all performed very well, but I particularly enjoyed the Shredbettie stageshow! BTW, Jason called me AGAIN today and thanked me for lining up the show for them and giving him the chance to hang with Linda and the rest of you gals!

Seeing so many happy/suprised/overwhelmed/psyched people in one weekend is an experience unto itself, what with the energy that you gals constantly instill in people when you play!

Thomas Garner posted a few of his pics here (scroll down a ways to see them):

Thanks for all the well wishes and the awesome as usual performances!!! Let's do it again soon!

TJ aka
Mr Toast
Thanks for bringing us back to SLC, Mr.Toast! It was such an amazing weekend and we had a fabulous time! Everyone was so kind and took such good care of us -from The Whiskey owner, Gary and his wife , Aja ( :tickled: ) to the security team that kept the mayhem to a minimum as well as to all the staff. It was great to see so many familiar faces and have a chance to say hi again.

Even though I stayed "home" on Sat. to nurse this flu bug and had to miss out on the the meet and greet and the Heavy Metal Shop (next time for sure!) and Exodus soundcheck jaunt I had a lot of fun at KBER on Fri. and most especially the shows!

Thanks to the bands that played with us both nights. They definitely kept the thermostat up and the crowd ready for us! Good job!

Mr. Toast and Triamid Productions are both first rate organizations and Utah's metal scene is lucky to have ya there keeping the music alive! Can't wait to do it again.
:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: