Thank you Salt Lake City


IM Row-D
Oct 22, 2003
Sunny So Cal
Visit site
I just wanted to give a shout out to everyone who came to the shows, it was great to see so many real fans out there. I couldn't beleive how many of you made it to BOTH shows! :worship:

Mr Toast: HUGE Kudos for all your help before, after and during the shows. Great guy, witha helluva lot of class! We would be lost with out your help.

HobbbesDawg: Thank you sooooo much for stepping in and working the lights and hooking us up with Greg.

Greg, you little Devil, :Smokedev: thanks for sweating it out with us on such short notice.

Ruined Luna: It was great to finally put a face on another forum member. Thank you for taking care of all those details. You made it much easier for us to get it done! Especially on the load out (the hardest part of the gig for me :yuk: ).

Charlie and Mo: Thanks for all your support and taxiing service. Great heads up on Duffy's as well, I have a new home in SLC!

Matt at LJ's: Thanks for the great sound and your concern for helping us get it right. Nice to work with an ego-free engineer. Special thanks for helping Sara on Saturday, your a life saver!

Kelly: Great club, I look forward to coming back and showing all those who missed the show what a kick ass band the Maidens are. :kickass:

Mark, Ladies you are the BEST! It is so nice to work with such dedicated professionals in a business full of flakes, assholes and ego-jockies.
For those of you who saw Sara "Skunk Baxter" Mosh sitting on her throne I hope you know how much she cares about giving you all her best. She did the show a couple of days after surgery with out any painkillers! Having just gone through having a shattered wrist sewn up a few months ago I couldn't have done it, that kind of sh*t HURTS! :erk: Sara I think you've set the bar a couple yard higher. Now get some rest, dammit!

Peace everyone,
Any time, as you say, it's always a delight. :) I always feel like I'm being credited for more than I did... I'm just glad you guys let me help out! (Does that sound weird?)

Being involved in any small way with the Maidens is an honor and a privilege, you gals (and the associated guys, of course!) truly set the bar...
Chris - Thank YOU for all your help! Man, would we have been lost without you!
Hell, we wouldn't have been able to pull off the shows in their fullest glory without any of your helping hands, so a special thanks to Mr. Toast, Hobbes Dog, Ruined Luna, for all the assistance too! BTW, I wanna note that I saw Mr. Toast's latest art work and it is REALLY GREAT STUFF!!!!!!!!! Greg and the secret other Eddies we had were scarey and perfect! Matt, you were the kindest sound man I've met in a long time! Also, Charlie and Mo and Kelly - Thanks so much for another great visit to SLC! See you soon!!! :hotjump:
Doodoobubbachuck said:
Chris - Thank YOU for all your help! Man, would we have been lost without you!
Hell, we wouldn't have been able to pull off the shows in their fullest glory without any of your helping hands, so a special thanks to Mr. Toast, Hobbes Dog, Ruined Luna, for all the assistance too! BTW, I wanna note that I saw Mr. Toast's latest art work and it is REALLY GREAT STUFF!!!!!!!!! Greg and the secret other Eddies we had were scarey and perfect! Matt, you were the kindest sound man I've met in a long time! Also, Charlie and Mo and Kelly - Thanks so much for another great visit to SLC! See you soon!!! :hotjump:
You said it for us all, Linda!! :D
Wow, thank you for your very kind words. It was my pleasure and honor to help out in any small way I could. And thanks to you all for coming back! Can't wait for next time...

You are most welcome, and as always it was a pleasure!

And thanks to everyone else in the band and on the Maidens crew for all the little things you did here and there to help me out over the weekend!
Heh... glad someone appreciates me... sorry, just had a bit of a blazing row with my wife, and she naturally (?) brought up the Maidens. "'Rock bands' you'll never be a part of", were some of her words... *sigh*

Anyway, enough of my dirty laundry... thanks for the kind words, I was glad to help out; the honor, pleasure and privilege was all mine. Although, I must admit I do find the mutual back-slapping and gratitude that always follows an occasion as this to be uplifting to see. It's nice when people - often friends - can help each other out without there being some politics or other strings attached, ain't it?

Already looking forward to your next visit... whatever "her upstairs" might say! (She's got to deal with seeing your license plate frame on my car every day now, too!) Up the 'kin Maidens!

(BTW, Toast, that artwork you showed me was bloody outstanding, finished or not I think that's the best I've seen from you yet!)
Mike Heenan said:
Chris glad to hear everything went well, sorry I wasn't there to help you out!
Not to worry my friend, I don't think you would have fit in the car any way. We had to leave some stuff behind just so I could still drive! :loco:
Maybe the Ladies can get something in Phoenix sometime so you won't have to drive so far.

Peace brother,
