Thank you OC and Michael Kenney

Air Raid Siren

Maidens' Vox
Apr 26, 2004
My City Of Angels
What an incredible show we had there at the Galaxy! Thank you, each and everyone one of you who came out to see us. We know you have plenty of places to spend your hard earned ducats and are honored you choose to come to our show and share this great music with us. It was great to meet so many of you after the show, too.

Not only was it 'Arry's B'day, but also our stage manager, Chris Knudsen's, as well. We are soooo lucky to have him on our team. A consummate professional and a hella great guy to boot.

The staff and crew were wonderful. Clyde (front of house), Milo (monitors) and Jeff (lights) did a bang up job. Jeff had toured with Maiden before and really knew what he was doing.

Last but never ever least : A great big thank you to Mr. Michael Kenney for sitting in and playing with us. He's such a kind and lovely person. Wasn't it just amazing to hear his keyboards fill the theater on Seventh Son? During soundcheck, when I was finished singing my part, I ran down front so I could hear it the way the audience would, cuz I knew I wouldn't get a chance during the show. It was grand! So majestic!

When he made his entrance as The Count that was the crowning glory! :headbang:

Here's a funny behind the scenes story: We had hoped that he would reenact his role as The Count for the song but he told us that he had to have the right cape to do it. What he didn't tell us was that he HAD the right cape! Naughty trickster! :D

And wasn't it great seeing Sara work the stage with her amazing energy? On the May '04 show, she snapped her Achilles Tendon just as we started. Played the whole show in what must have been excruciating pain. Now THAT'S an Iron Maiden!!!:worship::worship::worship:
Dave Murry did that once, well actually he blew his knew out jumping around on stage; I didn’t hear if he actually finished the show or not. He required knee surgery as a result and had a couple of dudes carry him up the platform to the stage at the beginning of each show in order to continue the tour with a leg cast thing.
I think Sara has him beat. She didn't know what had happened (she originally thought she got kicked playing soccer - not that she had ruptured her Achilles!!!) So she walked around on it for 2 weeks! When I talked to her TWO DAYS AFTER the show she said she decided it might be a good idea to see a doc for it cuz her foot was pretty swollen. THAT was when she found out it had snapped completely!!! Two days after her surgery we were on a plane to Salt Lake City. She never missed a gig. Amazing.
Tyron shultz from Fender Forum Chop Shop snapped his tendon playing basket ball and he wore a cast, he is a teacher and hell of a guitar player, who plays vegas. He said it was very painful, and I don't think he could dance while playing for a long time, he had to sit.
RoboCaster said:
Tyron shultz from Fender Forum Chop Shop snapped his tendon playing basket ball and he wore a cast, he is a teacher and hell of a guitar player, who plays vegas. He said it was very painful, and I don't think he could dance while playing for a long time, he had to sit.

Initially, Sara had to sit, too. But nothing can stop that girl - the fingers and the hair still flew!! And she was up on her feet as soon as she could stand on both legs! This Iron Maiden has an iron will to match! :headbang:
Sara rules! THANK YOU MICHAEL KENNEY!!!! It is ALWAYS a pleasure to have you play with us on stage!!! You give us the opportinity to play songs we could never do without you and your keyboard playing! Thanks again! Until the next one??? (I already have plans to propose another dooozy of a song, along with that other one you've been wanting to play the last two times you've graced us on stage!)
It's always a hoot to hang with Michael. A very talented multi- instrumentalist and he always has so many great stories to tell. I found out this week he was the "funky white boy" for a short while back in the pre-Maiden days!!!! Yow! :headbang: