Mo's rule!
His name was inspired by the big "M" on his forehead and Todd and I both having the musical gene thing. Our other cat, MIDI (rip) was also his aunt and had the same marking (hence the M name as well).
Man, I tell ya - yesterday was just
crazy! We think he got back inside while we were out canvasing the neighborhood for the third time. Must've spent 4 hours at least, walking driving, annoying the neighbors with calling his name. I was on the couch after we called it a night, feeling just completely awful and having a hard time not shedding tears and all of a sudden we here our little dude go, "I found him! I found Mo!" Only time I've ever moved on stairs so quickly was when our house was on fire.
I honestly don't know exactly how to deal with his yearning for the outdoors. The looks he was giving Anubis (the dog) and I when I took Newbie out in the back for "relief" was just sad. Funny, but sad. My biggest concern is that he is not familiar with the neighborhood at all, and there are a few rather busy streets close by. Anyone ever try walking their cat? lol
We should start a pets thread so we can all brag about how awesome are furry family members are.