Thankful for small miracles

Our cats are always strictly indoor. We have one that REALLY wants to go outside, but that's just not gonna happen. Especially now that he's 18. The kitties are still fat and happy, even if one doesn't get to go outside like he'd like.
WoW!! That's weird. Congrats on getting your cat back!!

Two things - My cat Cinderella (Cindy) got out right after Hurricane Ike and was gone for two weeks. I placed handbill out stating she answered to 'Cindy'. A dude called because she looked up when he called her name. She was only two blocks away. This kitty and I had become inseparable. I know the thankfulness you are feeling now.

Second, my ex wife and I had a tuxedo named ...... you guessed it - Mozart!! Coolest name for a cat ever!!

Chris :rock:
Wow, congrats, twice!!! I'd die if one of my babies disappeared. Like OrbWeaver, mine are strictly inside and since I am the top floor of my condo, I have little worry of escape (not that they don't try sometimes).

Btw, my "last" cat (she died in 1995) was named Mo, but it wasn't short for Mozart; it was just Mo. :)

Oh, by the way Colleen, this is in the mail for you:


Mo's rule! :) His name was inspired by the big "M" on his forehead and Todd and I both having the musical gene thing. Our other cat, MIDI (rip) was also his aunt and had the same marking (hence the M name as well).

Man, I tell ya - yesterday was just crazy! We think he got back inside while we were out canvasing the neighborhood for the third time. Must've spent 4 hours at least, walking driving, annoying the neighbors with calling his name. I was on the couch after we called it a night, feeling just completely awful and having a hard time not shedding tears and all of a sudden we here our little dude go, "I found him! I found Mo!" Only time I've ever moved on stairs so quickly was when our house was on fire. :)

I honestly don't know exactly how to deal with his yearning for the outdoors. The looks he was giving Anubis (the dog) and I when I took Newbie out in the back for "relief" was just sad. Funny, but sad. My biggest concern is that he is not familiar with the neighborhood at all, and there are a few rather busy streets close by. Anyone ever try walking their cat? lol

We should start a pets thread so we can all brag about how awesome are furry family members are.:rock:
Mo's rule! :) His name was inspired by the big "M" on his forehead and Todd and I both having the musical gene thing. Our other cat, MIDI (rip) was also his aunt and had the same marking (hence the M name as well).

Man, I tell ya - yesterday was just crazy! We think he got back inside while we were out canvasing the neighborhood for the third time. Must've spent 4 hours at least, walking driving, annoying the neighbors with calling his name. I was on the couch after we called it a night, feeling just completely awful and having a hard time not shedding tears and all of a sudden we here our little dude go, "I found him! I found Mo!" Only time I've ever moved on stairs so quickly was when our house was on fire. :)

I honestly don't know exactly how to deal with his yearning for the outdoors. The looks he was giving Anubis (the dog) and I when I took Newbie out in the back for "relief" was just sad. Funny, but sad. My biggest concern is that he is not familiar with the neighborhood at all, and there are a few rather busy streets close by. Anyone ever try walking their cat? lol

We should start a pets thread so we can all brag about how awesome are furry family members are.:rock:

Emotional Roller Coaster :loco: ACK!
Glad to hear it! I know what its like to have a pet escape outside and not know if he or she will come back.

Here's my new love:

I got her on Sunday. She's a lovely girl. Very sweet to me. Has some behavioral issues I'm working on though. My 3 cats aren't that happy that I brought her home. She follows them around, chases them, and just gets close to them. They don't like that its hard to come and sit on my lap now as she demands to investigate.


BTW with 'walking' a cat. Its possible. Its hard though. The harnesses you buy you have to seemingly overtighten them (since they can basically squeeze out of it if they want). We used to with one of my cats. He seemed to like it. You can also get what amounts to a stroller and put your cat in it.

My cats love to go outside. But I don't let them fully outside just to the screened in porch (though due to them pressing against a section of the screen until it came loose I haven't let them out in a while. I need to fix it so I can let them out there).
She *is* lovely, and her markings are so unique! Congrats! She appears full grown in the pic, about how old is she? I can't commend you enough for choosing a non-puppy when there are so many great dogs out there (especially with the foreclosure situation, egad) :)
Well she's only 1 years old. I would have taken an older dog with no second thoughts. I love older dogs and they need loving homes too. Plus they tend to be more relaxed about things. But fell I love with her when I saw her, so adopted her that day.
Mo's rule! :) His name was inspired by the big "M" on his forehead and Todd and I both having the musical gene thing. Our other cat, MIDI (rip) was also his aunt and had the same marking (hence the M name as well).

I think all "Tabbys" (Tabbies?) have that M on their head, some more pronounced than others. My stray resucue Dweezil is a fellow M-Head.....
I'm not a vet, nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn last night.... :)
I think all "Tabbys" (Tabbies?) have that M on their head, some more pronounced than others. My stray resucue Dweezil is a fellow M-Head.....
I'm not a vet, nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn last night.... :)

Haha. Dweezil. Nice. I almost wanted to rename my dog Moonunit (because her pattern/color is like the surface of the moon). But she already responded to Cami.
Colleen, you can buy a harness and leash for cats. My parents used to have one for their Siamese, JJ. He loved to go outside, but they didn't want him harrassing local wildlife, or getting hurt/killed, so they'd take him out on a harness and leash. He loved it. I used to use it for Midnight (the old kitty) when he was younger, too.
Wow, congrats -- twice! -- on getting your furball back!

Let's see if this link to pics of 'my' two cats works:

They actually belong to my friend Ripper and his GF, but currently stay here since they have nowhere to put them. With no strangers around, they're both as lovable as cats can be...but when a stranger calls, one of them goes ballistic and will try to claw/bite the visitor...or me, or Ripper. They were both traumatized during an apartment break-in when they were younger, so I can't bring myself to hate the cat.

I just had him neutered and he's now sporting SoftPaws. He's still being psycho, though. :(
Oh Colleen, I'm so glad he made his way home again! Yay!

Simba and Shadow send along their well wishes too, and would like to express their support of walks on their leashes (though Shadow's always enjoyed them more than Simba, who's the more chicken of the brothers). :)

So glad you found him...again! I'd freak out if either of my cats got out and got lost. They're declawed, so no way do they ever get to visit the great outdoors. I've thought about trying to leash-train Elwood, but Jake is too big a chicken and would probably just totally freak out (he jumps when I sneeze, for chrissakes). They freak out in the car, so when I moved from WI to VA, I had to sedate them. 15 hours of screaming cats? No thank you. Helped them to not be quite so freaked out in the new place too, I think. Certainly helped ME. ;)
So glad you found him...again! I'd freak out if either of my cats got out and got lost. They're declawed, so no way do they ever get to visit the great outdoors. I've thought about trying to leash-train Elwood, but Jake is too big a chicken and would probably just totally freak out (he jumps when I sneeze, for chrissakes). They freak out in the car, so when I moved from WI to VA, I had to sedate them. 15 hours of screaming cats? No thank you. Helped them to not be quite so freaked out in the new place too, I think. Certainly helped ME. ;)

growing up, my dad sold clothing out of our home and we had to get our cats declawed...they were still able to climb trees and the mother, lady, (which was the perfect name for her because that is how she carried herself)...kept dogs out of our yard....