Thanks a lot, pal.


resident brutality pundit
Dec 18, 2002
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This is to the guy who said that the lyrics in the middle part of _A Fair Judgement_ sound like "Leave the pee / it was meant for me".

Thanks for ruining the song for me, buddy.

I haven't had a song spoiled like that since someone told me that Black Sabbath's _Changes_ is about menopause.

- d
I always heard "butterfly" too. And I hear "Leave it pee", which makes no sense. Though there's very little difference between a b and a p, just a little less voice box in one.
One thing thats been COMPLETELY ruined for me, is the Fed Ex logo. There's a hidden arrow in it, if you look closely, between the E and the x. Check it...


I've just placed a curse upon all of you! Now whenever you look at that logo, all you'll see is the arrow! Haha!
Originally posted by Brooks
One thing thats been COMPLETELY ruined for me, is the Fed Ex logo. There's a hidden arrow in it, if you look closely, between the E and the x. Check it...


I've just placed a curse upon all of you! Now whenever you look at that logo, all you'll see is the arrow! Haha!

:lol: :lol: Ah you damn fucker...;)
Originally posted by Brooks
One thing thats been COMPLETELY ruined for me, is the Fed Ex logo. There's a hidden arrow in it, if you look closely, between the E and the x. Check it...


I've just placed a curse upon all of you! Now whenever you look at that logo, all you'll see is the arrow! Haha!

Argh, dammit!! You're right, now I always see that fucking arrow... :mad: this is nothing compared to the destruction of "Face of Melinda"!

Mike: "No joy would flicker in her eyes" Then comes BOOING!

This comes exactly 1:07...
The song is forever ruined! I just want to share these little things with you :p
Originally posted by Brooks
One thing thats been COMPLETELY ruined for me, is the Fed Ex logo. There's a hidden arrow in it, if you look closely, between the E and the x. Check it...


I've just placed a curse upon all of you! Now whenever you look at that logo, all you'll see is the arrow! Haha!

Part of my job is shipping...I ship many things via FedEx every day...this observation does not phase me:p . Though, it is kind of sad that I never noticed it before:lol:

you're right, now I can't look at it without seeing that godforsaken white arrow..
Originally posted by fleshhead
This is to the guy who said that the lyrics in the middle part of _A Fair Judgement_ sound like "Leave the pee / it was meant for me".

Thanks for ruining the song for me, buddy.

I haven't had a song spoiled like that since someone told me that Black Sabbath's _Changes_ is about menopause.

- d

:lol: :lol:
I fucking hear that too, everytime I listen to it. What is bad is I actually sing it like tht aswell :rolleyes:

That Fed Ex arrow thing has me fucked now, cheers :p

Who needs to misinterpret lyrics? Some are disgusting just the way they are. Take MDB's "The Cry of Mankind".

"You'll swallow his tongue" <pause> "of thorns"

"His mouth dripping" <pause> "with flies".

They couldn't be more obvious if these lines read "Satan rides the Man Train".
here we go.

In Flames: " I promise I be mature" -> "My penis, I be mature"
Samael: "Tension of opposite's pole" ->"Tension of a pussy hole"
Dimension Zero: "Let's fucking go" -> "Fistfuck & go"
In Flames: "The dark that binds you" ->"The duck that bites you"

Sorry if I ruin some more songs for you guys, but I find it hilarious to hear these thing!:D