thanks north america


In the Still of the Night
May 16, 2001
just wanna say thank you to all DEVOTED fans who showed up at the brave words fest in cleveland, ohio. we know some of you had come from a great distance and that's an honour to us. you were great. despite all the badly dressed old men and dirty mullets that seemed to fill most of the bill and venue, we had a nice time and it's nice to have this gig putting the milwaukee one in the shadows.
then.... expectations met as the trip could have been worth it all alone... the montreal gig in canada... amazing!!!
fans, promoters, bands, well everyone been telling us this is the metal capital of the world. if it wasnt for our dear sweden, i'd probably be living here. thanks for putting on a great night with us. we cant wait to hit this city again.
cheerz to all!
You guys fucking rocked Cleveland! It was torture sitting through all that shit waiting for you to play but it was worth it. It was an 8 hour drive for me to get there but there was no way in hell I would have missed it. See you next time(Soon please!)
Thank you for an awesome experience!
I didnt have to drive that far (3-4) hours, but You know I would've driven across the U.S. to see you guys. Thank you for giving to us a piece of yourselves, I for one will never forget it. You even remembered my name at the end of the night Anders when you said goodby to me. You guys made sure I got ALL OF MY COLLECTION SIGNED(quite a task)I felt important for a second. You guys put on a great show. You guys were cool to us. Tomer danced like a madman, it was a perfect show for me.THANK YOU.

P.S. Im gonna get that Saw You Drown CD someday Anders, and so are you. :)
too bad im in california and there was no way for me to make it there..

but on summer i am travelling 15.000miles to my hometown, Istanbul, to see you!

Anders, i don't know if you are reading this, but Istanbul is ready, and we're all waiting for you to appear on Rock The Nations festival!
:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
I travelled a huge distance from Sydney, Australia to see you guys rock Milan, and will be there in the mosh in a few weeks when you play Helsinki. Might even make it to your gig in Istanbul as I will be there around that time. Was a spiritual experience for me to hear Katatonia live and kudos for playing with Ephel Duath, those guys were absolutely amazing live.
Speaking of DEVOTED.. how bout you, Blakkheim? And the rest of Katatonia?
It was fucking amazing to see you guys, 6 hour bus ride for me to get there, but it was fucking worth it. I just regret not getting to talk to you and Jonas, maybe next time.

Thanks for a great show, next time come to Toronto since so many of the people at the Montreal show were from over here anyway :)

IT should have I was fucking yelling my head off,




I am from Ottawa made the trip to Montreal and I love the City the fucking metal is HARD and the Chicks are the hottests.

People are pretty good to us english speaking folk too.

Hats off to Katatonia and Montreal.

PS next time get a license so I can buy some shit from you guys and support ya......EH
4numbers said:

IT should have I was fucking yelling my head off,




I am from Ottawa made the trip to Montreal and I love the City the fucking metal is HARD and the Chicks are the hottests.

People are pretty good to us english speaking folk too.

Hats off to Katatonia and Montreal.

PS next time get a license so I can buy some shit from you guys and support ya......EH

Are you the guy who kept screaming "KATA-MOTHERFUCKING-TONIA" and "PLAY WHATEVER YOU WANT, IT'S ALL GOOD"?

Cause if you are, you were right behind me... and it was pretty fucking funny.
On behalf of BWBK, I would just like to thank the DEDICATED Katatonia fans who made the pilgrimage to Cleveland and/or Montreal to witness the sheer magic that Katatonia brought forth to the fans! And for those in Cleveland who had to sit through all the mullets preceeding Katatonia, well I'm sure it was well worth it when Katatonia hit the stage. Definitely a memorable experience(s) if there ever was one, proving that Katatonia are one of the handful of exceptional bands out there that hold the key to the future of heavy music! Hopefully it won't be that long until we witness them on these shores the next time...
Blakkheim! You guys have to come to America again! I know we can be complete assholes when it comes to foriegn policy but I think we more or less need a US Tour from you guys... [please tour Houston, Texas...]

Hmm... Maybe a Katatonia/Bloodbath tour?

IAmEternal said:
Are you the guy who kept screaming "KATA-MOTHERFUCKING-TONIA" and "PLAY WHATEVER YOU WANT, IT'S ALL GOOD"?

Cause if you are, you were right behind me... and it was pretty fucking funny.

Actually, that was me. That was an amazing show! MaskedSanity and I went to both shows and I must say Montreal rocks! Both shows were great, but the crowd and overall vibe in Montreal was definitely better. It was well worth the trip.
impaled21 said:
Actually, that was me. That was an amazing show! MaskedSanity and I went to both shows and I must say Montreal rocks! Both shows were great, but the crowd and overall vibe in Montreal was definitely better. It was well worth the trip.

How were the rest of the bands at the BW/BK fest?

who as there?