Thanks ROTLD

Originally posted by Steph Harris
Thanks for coming out to the Beethoven concert on Friday and thanks for the Aquarium Rescue Unit recording. I liked their blues tunes the best...particularly Albert King's "Born Under A Bad Sign". Their bass player is great. Thanks again!
Hey thanks for letting me know about the gig! It was great! Glad you liked the Rescue Unit tape. What did you think of the live stuff? I forgot to mention I put some Robben Ford on the other side. So the "Born under a bad sign" is actually Roscoe Beck playing bass (one of my personal favs). I hope I can catch the jam tomorrow. :wave:
Robbin Ford! I caught him at a clinic in the ealry 90z @ Guitar Center playin' some Stones. He's got great tone~ I'm going to have to check out this ARU
The Robben Ford stuff isn't like Aquarium Rescue Unit. The Res Unit stuff is more along the lines of the Dixie Dregs. I just put some Robben Ford on there too as we were talking earlier about good bassists. You'll like the Res Unit guitarist Jimmy Herring, if you're into any of Steve Morse's stuff. There's more of a jazz influence in Jimmy's playing.

Hope to see you guys tomorrow! :)

ps - leave it to Cal state Chico to come up with online pizza! I used to go up there to party with some friends back in the day... Crazy place!
Originally posted by Adrianne Smith
Aquarium Rescue Unit! They're great! I saw Jimmy Herring play live in 1998. He was smokin'. :devil: Cool guy too.
Definately. I saw the Aq. Res. Unit at the troubadour like 10 years ago while Colonel Bruce was still singing with them and he was a trip to watch. Insane stuff. Both Jimmy and the bassist Oteil were on fire. The whole band was. That band had their own sound kinda like the Dregs did. A buddy of mine saw Jimmy at a NAMM show several years ago in Atlanta and said he was playing Steve Morse stuff note for note. :) I've heard he's real down to earth, which is always cool. :)