

Nov 2, 2005
Not a gig review as such but THANKS to Saxon for a fucking fine gig in Wolverhampton last night, as per usual.
So I had to fight through a horde of Charlatans fans to get my ticket from the Box Office, and missed both support bands, but didn't want to see them anyway! I was beginning to sweat at 9.00pm when I was still in the queue though........
A great set, and for once, a fucking fine mix. The F.O.H engineer also appears to have figured out how to use his FX rack and reverb etc, hoo-raay!!! Biff sounded A1, even through a radio mic, though he is experienced to know not to lean in front of the PA stacks with a mic in his hand. The resultant feedback felt like a nail hammered into the eardrum. And then he went to the other side and did it again!!!! Fucking hell Biff, do you know how much Compression Driver diaphragms cost? I guess he is at an age where his upper register is long gone though, so perhaps he didn't hear it!! He he!:lol:

The band were as tight as two coats of paint, and I now can announce that Doug is now "Officially" a member of Saxon in The Assmaster's Book of Doom, after x many years of being "that new bloke". He played a blinder, especially in Frozen Rainbow. (Yep, I know he has never exactly been shit, but I'm an old fart and change is hard to face. Guess I was hoping the old guitarist would return. What was his name again? Who cares!!!!)

Any complaints? Hmmmmm, nope, can't think of any, apart from the fact they finished about 3 hours too soon. Oh, maybe one, why miss a verse out of Crusader, it drives me up the wall? And perhaps Biff needs an Autocue so he gets "The Eagle Has Landed" right! (Sorry mate, we noticed!) Ah, fuck it, everyone is allowed a mistake or two, and it is their song, he can sing it how he likes!!

Looking forward to seeing Saxon many times again in the future, they ALWAYS deliver the goods. The day they don't will be a very sad day for me. Also looking forward to "The Eagle Has Landed 3", and "The Eagle Has Landed 23" come to that!

Rock on!!!!!!
It was a fantastic show. Shame about no Denim and Leather or Heavy Metal Thunder though! Oh well. It was still awesome. I got a great guitar pick at the end too.
Dsm said:
It was a fantastic show. Shame about no Denim and Leather or Heavy Metal Thunder though! Oh well. It was still awesome. I got a great guitar pick at the end too.

I know! After the gig, Nibbs asked a few of us if there were any songs they could have played to make it better - and I said "Denim and Leather"! Still, I did hear it at the Astoria and in Manchester, so I can't complain :)