

New Metal Member
Nov 7, 2014
Hi, I'm Harry, I live in Hamburg, Germany and I'm new to this forum - but not new to Theocracy's music. If you will I'm a fan of the first hour. Interestingly enough I got to know Matt's first album through Mike Portnoy's website and forum (easy to guess I'm a big DT fan...); I think it was shortly before it was released. I bought the first album, listened to it over and over and over again, gave it to someone else to listen and never got it back.
Oh well...
Here I am, several years later, have the three albums and am listening on a constant basis, just can't get enough.
Matt, and all the others; I just want to thank you for your dedication and for the fact that you are so much willing to be God's instruments (literally) for blessing believers and non-believers alike. Your musicianship, the pure energy you're putting into each song, the power, the vocal harmonies, it just smokes from A-Z. But then the lyrics...
I believe, and I can clearly hear, that each of your songs is borne on prayer. Nobody who isn't up to the rim filled with the Holy Spirit can write such God-honoring, Christ-centered, blessed and uplifting songs. As Kerry Livgren says it in one of his songs: "Words of Honour". Each one of them!
Thank you for allowing God to speak so mightily through your songs. Some of them have brought me to tears many times because I recognize myself so clearly. Others have lifted me up when I was feeling down and broken. And yet others are just wonderful, glorious hymns of worship and praise to our Lord and Saviour. "Mirror of Souls" is a kind of abbreviated, modern "Pilgrim's Progress" for me, great poetry and deep, biblical truth!
Thanks guys - I pray that as you continue to bless others with this wonderful music God may keep blessing you abundantly in every aspect.
Actually - now that I come to think of it...I am sure I was member in a Theocracy forum back in the days. Must have been about 8 years ago - did a forum exist at that time? Not many people on there I remember...
Hi Harry...and welcome!
Yes, there was the "old" Theocracy forum. I've been a member of it as well. If I remember correctly it was available months before the debut album was released.
The actual Theocracy forum started on June 11th, 2004 - at least this is the date of Matt's first post here announcing the change from the old to the new forum.

Viele Grüße aus Bochum (Greetings from the town of Bochum)
Hi Snert, it's funny - I even think I can remember your name - it sounds vaguely familiar.
Bochum, eh? I'm originally from Dortmund. My grandparents lived in Bochum their last years.

Long live the Pott! :kickass:

(Except for Herne-West that is...:D)
Oh - I just see that you're from Germany as well...

So - if that is so and Theocracy has a big fan base here - when are they coming for a tour (or at least a concert, no matter where...I'd travel there regardless...)