Tharaphita - Iidsetel sunkjatel radael

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Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
Tharaphita – Iidsetel sunkjatel radael
Nailboard Records – Board 15 – February 2, 2007
By Wayward_Son


So here we have Tharaphita’s second album for Nailboard Records, Iidsetel sunkjatel radael. If you read the review of the band’s previous album, Primeval Force, you will see that it was somewhat enjoyable, but nothing that demands repeated listens and would quickly become trade fodder. Hoping the band could put and interesting collection of hymns together, yours truly jumped right in.

What an improvement. The band was able to break the mold they were stuck in, and write interesting songs that move slower and faster than a basic mid-pace rhythm. Also, Tharaphita sound more genuine this time around. The lyrics are sung in their native tongue, giving the band amore authentic feel. The biggest improvement comes in the songwriting. Tharaphita has gone for a serious less-is-more approach, and the risk paid off. There are no happy folk melodies to be found here, or overly pompous choruses. Instead, we get bonafide war marches like the pounding 'Surmatalv' and the rousing title track.

Iidsetel sunkjatel radael is easily the best thing this writer has heard from Estonia so far. The rate of improvement is simply astounding. Tharaphita sound like a contender, instead of a band going through the motions playing Whoops! Pagan Black Metal. For those of you that like this sort of music, Tharaphita is the sort of music you will like.

Official Tharaphita Website
Official Nailboard Records Website