That Metal Show


Mar 18, 2002
Does anyone watch this show on VH1 classic? For some reason it was the first 15 minutes on HBB this week and I really like what I saw. So I set the DVR to tape some of the shows, and I must say, I really enjoy the show. The couple shows I've watched they have had Anvil, Frank Bello, Nuno Bettencourt/Gary Cherone and Vinnie Paul.

If anyone is unfamiliar with the show, it's basically a metal talk show with Eddie Trunk, Jim Florentine, and Don Jamieson. They will have discussion about things like which is better Old Metallica or New Metallica.

Any thoughts/opinions?
The best thing I can say about it is that it is at least about metal. It's a pretty weak show in most segments.

They have this "Where Are They Now" segment .. which should be really good, but they made me mad this past week when they featured Savatage. All they mentioned was that that the Savatage guys basically are doing Trans Siberian Orchestra these days, and are very successful with it. There was no mention about Circle II Circle, or John Oliva's Pain ... nothing but the TSO mention ... end of segment. Weak !!!

Their discussions are usually really superficial .. as is the show in general. It's okay when nothing else is on, but excellent television it is not.

I like it, it's lite and features a lot of comedy. It isn't substantial so if you are looking for in-depth info or profound discussions you can probably skip it, but it is entertaining and that's good enough for me...
90% of it isn't metal at all. Or they just talk about the more mainstream, hair, or typical bands.

I tried to watch it but after 5 episodes, I gave up. It sucks.
They give way too much time to the 2 clowns, just have Eddie and maybe a guest musican host. Really what is the point of having 2 so-called comedians making fun of everything Trunk says? They have had sum good guest but with all the wise cracks and dumb skits you get like what 8 minutes of talk with the actual Rock Bands?
I've never understood how you can have a metal show that's only about bands that started before 1990. The only time they spend talking about new stuff is if it's an old band coming out with a new album.
I watched a couple of episodes and it just seemed like the show dragged on. They seemed like they were running out of things to say. On top of that, I agree with GameFreac, and say that it is not all that much about metal. More mainstream.
I've never understood how you can have a metal show that's only about bands that started before 1990. The only time they spend talking about new stuff is if it's an old band coming out with a new album.

That's the only thing the mainstream considers metal anymore.
One time when they were talking about Judas Priest, they mentioned Ripper Owens, and one guy mentioned Iced Earth, which was cool. But it was a very brief mention and none of the other guys seemed interested in discussing or acknowledging Iced Earth. Oh well. Too mainstream, as is just about everything VH-1 does when they talk about "metal."
I don't know that it's all mainstream, as they will sometimes discuss rather obscure bands from the 70s and 80s.

I just don't see how someone can be a metal fan and just suddenly stop listening to new stuff. Even if you're not generally into the releases that have come out since 1993 or so, there's got to be SOMETHING by a band not currently collecting Social Security that came out that you love and would want to talk about on a metal show.
They have this "Where Are They Now" segment .. which should be really good, but they made me mad this past week when they featured Savatage. All they mentioned was that that the Savatage guys basically are doing Trans Siberian Orchestra these days, and are very successful with it. There was no mention about Circle II Circle, or John Oliva's Pain ... nothing but the TSO mention ... end of segment. Weak !!!


That sucks! Zak could've used the exposure for sure!

it's a decent show but not enough real metal talk for me and too much comedy from the 2 clowns.
it's a decent show but not enough real metal talk for me and too much comedy from the 2 clowns.

Exactly - they've had a stellar list of guests on the show (Mike Piazza and his story of Axl not wearing his jersey on stage was great), but the 2 comedians mostly just crack on Eddie. If Eddie (who does know his stuff) had time to ask the guests more and better questions, it would be an improved show. After the initial interview, the guest(s) often seems to just sit around for the rest of the show.
the crap they do when the 2 clowns pretend to be reporters outside of a show asking questions to the band...I want to stab my eyeballs out....
It's a pretty awful show. The guys who host it typify the metalheads from that generation; they're caught in a time warp, following only 80s Metal bands, oblivious to the current scene.

Considering I am one of those typical metalheads from that generation, I like it. Since it does run on a network called "VH-1 Classic", it makes perfect sense to me that they concentrate discussion on the 70s-80s scene. Now, if the show was on MTV2 airing next to Headbanger's Ball, then it wouldn't make a lot of sense to ignore the current metal scene. Agreed that the 2 yahoos along with Trunk are useless, but it's no different to how most of us old-school yahoos talk to each other. Just my two cents...
Wow, a lot of hate for the show. Personally, I like the show for what it is, which is in a lot of ways a very truncated version of his radio show. Trunk is mostly going to be focused on the heyday for the genre in the states, since that's mostly what he knows. He's also not a music snob, so he's going to like some stuff that is going to be 'beneath' some people here. (For example, the pick of the week was the new Buckcherry. I couldn't care less about Buckcherry, but he seems to like them.)

Yeah, if you want the latest bands, you aren't going to get it often from Trunk (Tho he did play the new Edguy on his SiriusXM show on Monday), but if you are into the classic scene, he definitely knows his stuff and knows what a lot of those guys are doing nowadays.