That Metal Show

I don't know if anyone catch the season open of That Metal Show last night, but did anyone else find it strange they didn't mention a word about Kerri Lee's passing? I thought maybe they had taped it before her passing, but they had a new junk trunk girl last night. But I guess that really doesn't roll out that possibility.

They had a message on the screen at the end saying In Memory of Kerri Lee but that was it. Surprised they didn't say much else.
It is still on my DVR. What's the story of Kerri Lee?

She passed away several months ago. Eddie made mention of it on his web site but he didn't know the story behind what happened to her. I don't think Eddie and his boys really knew her outside of that show and she was someone that VH1 picked out for the show.
Which would be fine, if they didn't try to sell him as some sort of Metal expert. On what other topic could you be considered an expert, if you weren't aware of anything that's happened on the subject in the last 20 years?

The idea that "he knows his stuff", would be more palatable if he was once able to answer an audience member's trivia question. It's the only part of the show I've ever found entertaining... someone asks a questions and he sits there looking dumbfounded, like someone just asked to break down the second law of thermodynamics.


LOL yeah, someone asked him 'What was th last Dio album that Vivian Campbell played on?' He looked like a deer in the headlights and said 'uhh, Strange Highways?' LOL i dont like that show much.
LOL yeah, someone asked him 'What was th last Dio album that Vivian Campbell played on?' He looked like a deer in the headlights and said 'uhh, Strange Highways?' LOL i dont like that show much.

Uhh, I'll take that question sir... That would be the "Sacred Heart" album from 1985!
I had it on cassette back in the day! :kickass:
They had a message on the screen at the end saying In Memory of Kerri Lee but that was it. Surprised they didn't say much else.

Must have been after my DVR cut out. When they were talking about Dio in the beginning, I thought they were going to mention her, but they didn't. Kinda weird.
The show is like watching a train wreck. It is hard to look away because they are talking about rock and metal. Still it is extremely clueless to the rock and metal scenes for the most part. And just because Eddie listens to UFO doesn't give him cred in my book.
The "where are they now" segments are a joke. I too saw the Savagate one and it was pretty sad. And all the others are about what that one guy from the hair band is doing now.
The coolest thing I ever saw on that show was a guy in the audience wearing a Witch t short. Let's hear Eddie talk about those guys.
A friend of mine calls Eddie's show all the time. They talk so often that they are on a first name basis. Every band that my friend mentions to Eddie he writes off. Seems if it is not on Eddie's radar it does not matter in the "That Metal Show" world. My buddy mentioned ProgPower to him and he did not know what it was. Seriously? This many years in being one of the few U.S. metal festivals and he had no clue. The guy is a tool.
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I would really like to see the full interview Eddie did with Bruce on the "Flight 666" DVD I bet that was funny. The clip alone was pretty humorous.
Though not much of a fan of the show, I went to a taping with my friend Mark a few weeks back. It actually was very cool to see how it's done. First, fans fill out a form with their metal questions BEFORE coming to the show. They hand them into the person checking people in at the door. The questions are then vetted by "someone" and after the audience is seated, those that are chosen are given back to the people who are called on later to read them. If they stumble, it's because they all seemed pretty nervous.

No t-shirts are given out. We all wore whatever we wanted with a few instructions like no stripes and no large brand (not band) logos.

The best part was, originally Dokken was suppose to be the guest, but his house slid down a mud slope in CA and he couldn't make it. So we had no idea who the guest was. We were waiting outside to be let in when a car pulls up with the license plate "Music" and out pops:

Joe Lynn Turner!

Totally awesome. He stopped to chat with us all in line. He was funny, energetic, open and personable during the taping. And he stayed after and spoke and took photos with anyone who wanted them after. Very, very cool. Not a fan of Mr. Trunk but very glad I went to the taping.