that passion of the christ video for Jesus Tod is gross

Just because it's relevant:

I know a guy who gets pissed off that they speak Latin in the Passion of the Christ, but really, in the Eastern Roman Empire the official language was Greek.

It's a lot less effort to just keep the already established institutions in Greek from Alexander's conquest (since every educated Roman knew Greek anyway) than to convert everything over when they themselves conquered the Hellenistic east.

There were of course tons of other languages floating around like Coptic, Old Syrian, Aramaic, Hebrew, etc. that the people actually spoke.
rip varg, keep shredding in heaven with dimebag :waah:


The entire movie is basically like that scene with a few non-torture moments tossed in. MY ex-girlfriend wanted to see it so we went and saw it in the theater. It was a bit awkward when everyone on the theater started sniffling and then sobbing. Have you ever been in a public place surrounded by a bunch of sobbing strangers? It is very strange. After the movie they all formed a giant circle at the front of the theater and started praying and shit to which I said "Hey look at that, I'm hungry". We then proceeded to get lunch.

The entire movie is basically like that scene with a few non-torture moments tossed in. MY ex-girlfriend wanted to see it so we went and saw it in the theater. It was a bit awkward when everyone on the theater started sniffling and then sobbing. Have you ever been in a public place surrounded by a bunch of sobbing strangers? It is very strange. After the movie they all formed a giant circle at the front of the theater and started praying and shit to which I said "Hey look at that, I'm hungry". We then proceeded to get lunch.

you've got to be fucking kidding me.

Only in america